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Getting rid of a triangle- HELP!!!


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I've got a triangle in my level and I don't know what it is. It doesn't show up on radient. Does anyone know what it is or how to get rid of it?






BTW, I know that the map is dark. I've only started on the darn thing today. Here's what it will (hopefully) eventually look like:




I'm thinking FFA/CTF.

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Hmm, I saw this once at the q3w forums, but I can't seem to find that thread now. I might be mistaken, but I seem to remember it having to do with the map intersecting the 0,0,0 coordinate. Try selecting the entire map (draw a brush in x and y dimensions that cover the entire map and choose Selection >> select >> select complete tall) and moving it so that the 0,0,0 coordinate is outside the map.


I'm not completely sure though, so PLEASE BACKUP YOUR MAP BEFORE DOING THAT.


Hope it works


// Grudge

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Well, actually it is Raven that deserves credit for it, efradiant sees prefabs as mapfiles :) So when I saw *.pfb I had to try mapfiles :) But if you think about it, a prefab is actually just a collection of mapitems (brushes, entities, ...) and so is a map so actually it is quite logical that it can load a map ;)

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