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My faith has been restored (somewhat)...


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Why would Casino's try to reward skill? They want to make money, not contribute to the great scheme of things...


EXACTLY. Now, another question: Why would Raven/LEC try to reward skill? They want to make money, not contribute to the great scheme of things...

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Originally posted by Spider AL


EXACTLY. Now, another question: Why would Raven/LEC try to reward skill? They want to make money, not contribute to the great scheme of things...


Glad to see we understand each other. The trouble is that they haven't managed to beat me yet. I can still beat unkilled players :D It's just depressing to do it :(


yahoo for the status quo


No kidding, but life can't hasn't beat me either--I'll do things my way or get horribly broken and schitzophrenic trying...:p

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*whispers* Come to the NF dueling servers, that's where the skilled players are hiding...


*looks around the room, prepares his Mind Trick for the weak willed*


NF Dueling is Lame, pull/backstab owns


:trooper:'NF Dueling is Lame, pull/backstab owns'

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jk1 reference lost, or someone who truely disagrees?


i like a really in depth game requiring strategy and skill. not one or the other. ffa ff should be able to do it. i like guns. i dont want to resort to nf duels because i am all too reminded of bgj nf. although, the only time i will play duels is nf sabes.


but ff ffa is lost to me. thats what kept me coming back. guns vs sabers, all with powers


this game has lost its allure. i feel oh so violated

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Ah, JK1, I only really played SP, that was back in the days when I had a crappy internet connection and didn't see much of a point to MP version...


Anywho, I enjoy the simplicity of the strategies of NF Dueling, but I understand your POV--so I'll join in your raid on Raven...

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i feel oh so violated


This is not an overstatement. As a JK fan who played Jedi Knight, MotS, Dark Forces... and was really looking forward to JO, it's absolutely gutting to have to watch the demise of the game.


I feel like my entrails have been rent from my torso and wound chokingly tightly around my throat. I really put the time into JO, BEFORE it was released even. I played up on a combination of UT and JK for weeks... and it payed off. But now JO is a glorified game of pong. LAMENT.

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Originally posted by Dark Begger

it's nice to see googly try to create some fictional world in which everyone is nice to eachother and no one spams and blah blah blah.


Cant' wait for them to come out to the real world of ladders and competition when they get eaten alive.


You mean the world where people buy the game for 50 bucks expecting to find a great game but instead find mindess skilless assclowns who can't use any move except backstab? We bought this game with our earned money, we don't deserve to have a ****ty time playing a game we spent money on. We shouldn't need to call it a "fantasy" world it should be the way we play.

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Sorry, but I have to join in with the people who hijacked your thread. You have a Jedi Master server and no one uses force? That sucks! If you don't want force to be used, take it away or lower the force level -- and/or disable the light/dark powers or something. I played one game on the Oasis v2 map with this guy who kept calling me a n00b because I kept pulling his gun and killing him with it -- hello, he's the one dying and I'm not, I'm simply using the tools available to me and he's failing to counter it or respond in kind.


I hardly ever play Dark Side, but if I did you can surely bet I would be hitting those Drain and Lightning hotkeys whenever the opportunity arose. This is a battle, so you must either kill me first with your own dark side powers or defend yourself with the light side and counterattack. That said, I mostly use Absorb and Heal and I hardly ever get killed by "lightning spam." In fact I love lightning spam, it means I can fill up my force meter. If you're dark side, just drain -- heal the damage already done and remove his capacity to use more lightning, not to mention the possibility of Grip or just using lightning yourself.


When this system of attack and counter-attack is actually used, it adds another level of tactics to the game, in addition to the actual saber and gun combat that will have to take place before someone actually dies.


Yes, I think some aspects of the force system right now are broken -- pull/backstab is just ridiculous, and virtually no one is going to pick Protection or Mind Trick over Heal and Absorb in a regular gameplay situation. But on the whole I don't see why so many people complain about using the Force in a Force-enabled server in a game called JEDI Outcast.

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Originally posted by GooglyMoogly

There used to be a response here...my bad.


No further comment.


Well...I managed to skim it, and I was going to respond to it, but then I refreshed to see if anyone else had responded, and it dissapeared into editing.


I didn't read beyond point 5, so I'm sorry if I'm mentioning something that was addressed...


I just wanted to say that I only said I didn't like the idea that you were banning move spammers. Yes, it's boring, but so what? So you don't like their style of play and it continually beats you, I think it sucks to ban someone who's just playing the game.


If you were kicking people who were making hateful racial remarks, or something along those lines, I would understand--that's plain uncool. Anyway, that's all I thought was wrong...

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He did the right thing. his sever he can do what he wants. Sad thing is the pull/backstab people are the no skill newbs who flame people on here. Yes all the skill people has went to the no force sever. and when you flame nf severs you just upset cause you get owned there without your backstab crap. *hads you a tissue* go cry else where

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Originally posted by Charles

He did the right thing. his sever he can do what he wants. Sad thing is the pull/backstab people are the no skill newbs who flame people on here. Yes all the skill people has went to the no force sever. and when you flame nf severs you just upset cause you get owned there without your backstab crap. *hads you a tissue* go cry else where


I'm sorry, were you addressing me personally? I've never done a backstab in this game at all... as for a pull/backstab, I only play on Force servers on very rare occasions, I generally play NF Servers, and I do pretty well for myself. Last time I checked I had a 70% Skill ration on the Darkside servers, which is decent. I don't spam moves, either. I'm just saying that kicking people because you don't like how they play the game is pretty crappy.

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As someone who regularly gets kicked out of games for move spamming (I spam about 10 different moves. If no one is clever enough to counter them, why stop? I have fun. Moves include gun spamming, force spamming, etc. I figure if one is spamming 10 different moves, is it still spamming? apparently so), and generally being a prick (if I'm winning, I gloat a lot and call people names, because it's really no fun to win if you don't get to do that. If I'm losing I hassle them for spamming something because everyone else get's to do it to me. Hell, why not, I'm guarunteed the right to free speach.) I feel I must contribute to this thread by saying that it really hurts to get kicked out of a game.


What I see here is a ideological conflict. In dispute is "fun". One person's idea of fun directly conflicts with another's and only one person may have fun as a result. This community has yet to find a clever way to resolve such a conflict.


One problem is that neither party is in the wrong. Both parties have paid equal ammounts for the game and should have equal access to PUBLIC servers to play within the rules that were integrated into the game. So, who get's to stay and who should go?


The only answer is that both parties are equally entitled to stay. To kick a player who hasn't violated a written rule on a server would be a selfish display of arrogance. If you cannot manage to have fun with this wonderful game, I recommend finding some other hobby. Perhaps knitting.




PS-stupid server rules can be very easy to misinterpret. I recommend using the rules that are INTEGRATED INTO THE ****ING GAME. That way, there is no confusion.

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Originally posted by Nathan Wind

sad thing is that pull/backstab was probably the most elite (and still arguably unbalanced) move in the game. now its uber.


im cryin cause the game is crappy. im glad your hads-ing out free tissues though




I was gonna take one, but I wasn't sure where his hads had been...hads had been...lol (Sorry Chuck, little mistakes'll get ya every time :p)

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how bout this: You buy a kick ass car with a monster of an engine. After a while you discover the various quirks with the engine that need to be fixed. You take the car in to where you bought it and they say "no problem, come back tomorrow." After getting your car back, you realize to fix the problem they took that monster engine and took out some stuff and reduced the horsepower by half. You really gonna bend over and say "thank you sir, may I have some more?"


It was never the moves themselves that were the problem all by themselves. It was the ppl that abused them. I never had a problem killing ppl who dfa'd or backstabbed or anything else because there were strategies to counter all of these. Yes there were some things that needed to be addressed but they went a little too far with it I think. tweaking a little would have been good but totally changing the pace of the game might not have been such a good idea.


I like what they did with the way saber duels are, but the damage needs upping a little bit. I mean really, the sabers now have the damage properties of butter knives now. This makes the game a little too fogiving of mistakes i think. I have made mistakes that should have cost me the match and all i got was a scratch. Same with ppl I have faced off against. Anyway thats one thing off the top of my head. I think a happy medium between 1.02 and 1.03 (the best things from each) and some bug fixes would be ideal. Lets give Raven a chance to prove themselves here I mean we are all entitled to mistakes and not everything from 1.03 patch was a mistake anyway.

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The people that paid for this game deserve to have an opinion.


It's obvious that there will be conflicts with various game play ideaologies as well as different interpretations about the games rules.


All I try to do is provide and foster a particular style of play that I myself and plenty of other players enjoy.


I have no problem with any of the moves in the game as long as they aren't done over and over and over again. You may not think this is particularly negative, but I do. I myself use some of these moves, but I only use them to augment my OTHER skills (yes there are other good moves besides the specials.)


Anyway...I really shouldn't need to justify anything to anyone, but I'm gonna do it this one time. I was just shocked at the visceral response my post invoked.


You paid 50 bucks for the game and so did I...there's one difference though...I also lay out 80 bucks a month to rent the server...so forgive me if I want to get the most bang for the buck when I play the game. The whole reason I got the server was so I'd always be guaranteed a place to play.


I'm not going to bother explaining in any more detail my reasons for running my server the way I do. I don't need to, I shouldn't have to and I don't want to. I'm happy with it and so are MANY people that compliment the server and the way it is run.

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Good for you :)


No, really I mean that :)


I was just expressing my opinion that I think it's uncool to kick someone just because their style of play conflicts with yours. No need to justify yourself to me--you've made your choice :)


I don't even know how differently I would behave if I were in your shoes...I just happen to see that behavior as wrong, and I think it fosters a poor kind of server...


Oh, keep in mind that people would have a hard time complaining if they got kicked :p


Also, I would say that you do have a moral obligation to explain yourself to people as to why you run the server you do. Running the server is a form of power, and justifying yourself is a way of ensuring that your actions are right. It's something I would do if I was in the position of power, just because you pay for it doesn't take away from the responsability it leaves you with, and it doesn't take away the possibilty that your actions could be amoral. I don't mean to say you have to do anything, I mean to debate to morality of your actions.


Anyway, I probably shouldn't get into this particular argument here, if you're interested in continuing the debate, I'd be happy to via PM's :)


Otherwise, I hope you enjoy your server :) I also hope you run it well.

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Googly ignore these idiots. the ones who flamed you for doing what is well within your natural admin given rights, are simply fools.


i am sickened by the response this thread has gooten poor googly. How F'ing dare you critiscize him for having a good time on his OWN server? you get all bent out of shape when we criticize you for spamming, then say it's your playing style, and thus it's ok. so STFU... hypocrits.


I've played with googly, and he is a fun person to play with. i knew exactly what he meant by the rules of his server.


to everyone else, if you join a server that says play fair and don't spam or somethig to that effect and you spam, and generally act disruptive, don't bitch about it in the morning.


jesus christ... googly I can't say much more than this on your behalf... honestly I am astounded by the parade of idiocy that befell your innocent thread.


I am begginging to wonder if the only people posting on this forum are trolls these days...


My suggestion? Delete this thread... when your thread gets hijacked like this it's like an infection in your arm... sometimes you gotta lose the arm to save the body...


Personaly I am going to be looking for your server to play on again soon... I miss playing with cool peeps... your welcome on my server anytime you wish as well :)



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