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My faith has been restored (somewhat)...


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I ask them nicely to stop first. My reasoning is that it ruins gameplay for many people. Trust me on this one...If I don't moderate it somewhat lots of players leave out of frustration and I end up with a server full of people spamming moves and in general not really playing the game but rather just ganking away.


A lot of players that get kicked (after warnings) usually come back and bitch. If they want I discuss it with them. Sometimes they stay and play, sometimes they don't.


Anyway Vestril, my posts really aren't directed at you...it's mostly for the foul-mouthed and spiteful folks that made some rather viscious and nasty remarks.

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lol well i am sad that my pull/jump combo is gone. but i guess that was consider cheap too. i mean it is so hard to do it now. but the newbs are going to the nf severs too. running around like that got the saber up there ass. hell this one dude walks up to you and do it just like that. dont try and go near it cause it still hurts

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Ok Googly, I don't mean to say that you can't do what you want...I just want to challenge you, make sure you think you're doing the right thing. It's just in my nature. I don't remember if I said or not, but if I had my own server, I would probably wind up running it the way you run yours...


Dem...I wouldn't say that very many people who responded to Googly were simply fools :) Angry, probably annoyed with getting kicked off of servers just for playing as they want, but not simply fools.


you get all bent out of shape when we criticize you for spamming, then say it's your playing style, and thus it's ok. so STFU... hypocrits.


I don't think a player has the same power that an administrator has. An admin has control over other people's game, another player does not. Therefore I consider an admin to have more of an obligation to his players.


I was, admitedly, oversimplifying. As I said, I don't like spammers, and I'm not one myself, I think they do degrade gameplay. I just don't want him to degenerate into one of those people that kicks anyone who doesn't play exactly the way he likes. I know he isn't curently, but...well anyway, asking me to STFU is like asking the tide to not come in, you can ask all you want but it isn't gonna happen :D


Seriously, you guys could ban me and I'd still be sitting her talking to me self about it, mumbling about what pricks you are...I spam in real life too :p


Anyway, I'm glad you're running a good server, I just hope it stays that way :)

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Demangel..thanks for the backup. I was pretty shocked and disgusted myself. Hope to see you around soon.


Vestril...again.I'm not offended by you at all. I'd bet you'd have a great time playing on the server.


Perhaps I gave the impression that I have one finger on the kick trigger...well...I don't. As far as I'm concerned it's mob rules..if everyone is playing and having a good time, but someone comes in and blatantly disobeys the rules...I have an obligation to the majority to remedy the situation. So you see...I run my server in a way you would probably agree with.


My biggest mistake is being naive in thinking that people would appreciate the fact that despite the games flaws, there are ways to have a good time. I've always felt the best way to deal with perceived exploits or cheapness is simply to not indulge them.


The crux of the issue is that I simply cannot fathom how doing the same thing over and over, or jumping into crowds of half dead people and repeatedly doing backsweep or stab can be a satisfying way to play. For the players that enjoy that...more power to 'em, all I ask is that you take it somewhere else. It's not like there aren't a multitude of servers out there that cater to this style of play or simply aren't moderated.


People don't like being told "my way or the highway", and I do my best not to abuse that philosophy, but sometimes it's a means to an end that benefits more people than it hurts.

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now i have a problem with the word "spam"


its too ambigious.



if you have rules against certin things, then fine.


but a "dont play uncool" rule just doesnt cut it. who is to say how many uses of backstab constitute spam? how many dfa? how many uses of lightning?

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Guest HertogJan
Originally posted by Pedantic

Hmmm...dictatorship...if it works... ;):D


hehehe lol! Yeah if it works to kick people, why don't? I don't mind to get kicked from a server where everyone plays dirty, so they should mind getting kicked of a server were you ave to play nicely...

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Googly has already expressed my opinion on this matter.


Lets take this scenario for example:


You are playing football (soccer for you yanks) with a bunch of strangers. Everyone is playing fairly and having a good time, but suddenly a new player comes along. This player plays the way he wants to, but within the "rules". He pushes people, does sliding tackles in a violent fashion and generally abuses the rules as much as possible. On top of that he yells profanity at his opponents when they lose and curses them when they score.


As fair player, you can do 2 things about such a guy:


1) Adopt his playstyle because it evens things out, or


2) Take the opposite stance towards that players, abolish such play and advise him to play "properly". That includes leaving him out of future games because no one wants to play with him.


For a moment, let's be real folks, in real life what would you do against such a "team player"?


For the people who say: "Nuuu-huh, i play on the net so i can do whatever i want without fear of vengeance (gettin' beat up in real life for such a behaviour), well you people need to grow up, get some balls and participate in society the proper way.


You can play games (computer or not) in many ways, but it's for certain that one of the ways doesn't get you invited to cool parties.

You're playing with other people here folks, be nice, be fair and do what you'd do in real life.

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Dude, thats not a fair comparison. The rules would send that fellow off for playing dangerously. A better analogy would be if a person joins in and only bicycle kicks. Its easy enough to get around this--keep the ball on the ground. Same with DFA/backstabbers--MOVE OUT OF THE WAY AND ATTACK FROM A DIFFERENT AREA WHEN THEY ARE OPEN (as they always are). Absorb the pulls fer crying out loud!


What annoys me about the game is this INCESSANT B!TCHING. Games will always have exploits, and folks who will use them, and folks who will abuse them. Get the skills to deal with the abusers, and learn to use the exploits appropriately. The THING is, the backstab is not an exploit--the lack of blocking is an error. So, until it is fixed (if it is fixed) STEP OUT OF THE WAY. And if folks spamming single moves REALLY p1sses you off this much, form a clan, set up a private server, and remove yourself from the public servers.


As for NF servers, there may be highly skilled players there, but this is Star Wars, not sword fighting. I want the force.


*leaves the jediknightii.net forums annoyed yet again*

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Ummm...Star Wars is swordfighting. How many times do you see Darth Vader pull Luke around like a rag doll? The Force is there, but it takes a back seat when the Lightsabers are out. So...technically NF Servers are all about Star Wars too.


Also, it is, I'm told, really hard to get out of the way of the exploit backstab is someone pulled you to their feet a second before. Food for thought :p

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I am no longer Bantha Fodder!!!! how come no one congratulates me? lol...I am now a pit droid...what a damn good promotion.



Anyways, to try and make this post with a point...


actually..I was reading this and said what I say so many times over taht I don't want to say it again...so..there is no point to this.

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Originally posted by Vestril

Ummm...Star Wars is swordfighting. How many times do you see Darth Vader pull Luke around like a rag doll? The Force is there, but it takes a back seat when the Lightsabers are out. So...technically NF Servers are all about Star Wars too.


Yea, but there is a lot of force tossings of stuff going on.


Also, it is, I'm told, really hard to get out of the way of the exploit backstab is someone pulled you to their feet a second before. Food for thought :p


I wouldn't know as I usually put on my level 2 or 3 absorb before wandering into the middle of a melee :p


Point taken however ;)

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Yea, but there is a lot of force tossings of stuff going on.


Yeah, but they have to stop to do it.


I wouldn't know as I usually put on my level 2 or 3 absorb before wandering into the middle of a melee :p


Point taken however


You must be one of the lucky ones who's Force pool never runs out :p


Your point is also taken though :)

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Fascist Dictator: This is my country and I'll run it how I want.


Me: wouldn't it be better to allow people freedom to make descisions for themselves?


Fascist Dictator: I don't see how that could be a good idea. Your descisions couldn't possibly be as clever as mine.


Me: Well, I just think that a country where the people are allowed to...


{server disconnected}



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