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I am desperate for leaders

Guest crazy_dog

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Guest crazy_dog

I am desperate for at liest 5 leaders per civ for my league/scenario. The civs are:



- Civilain

- Army


- SpecForces

-High Command




- SpecForces

- Army

- Navy/airforce

- High Command



- Civilain

- Army

- Navy/airfoce

- SpecForces

- High Command


Trade Fed:

- Civilain

- Navy/Airfoce

- Army

- High Command

- SpecForces



- Civilan

- Navy/Air Force

- SpecForces

- High Command

- Army



- Civilain

- Air Force/ navy

- Army

- SpecForces

- High Command



- Civilian

- Navy/air force

- SpecForces

- Army

- High Command



- Civilian

- Air Force/Navy

- Army

- SpecForces

- High Command

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Guest crazy_dog

I almost forgot the Ewoks.



Wraith 5, Clefo, JayVision, Geogwe, Rommel, Tie Guy, lonepadawan and Leon have vollunttereed already.

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Guest trade fed fred
Originally posted by Paladin

What do u mean leaders?

I think he means the people that control that area in the leauge there are a bunch of other threads like that that explain it.


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...well, since that's basically a request made to developers about a scenario you want to put up, i'm doubting between moving this to either developer forum and scenario design forum.

i'll go with developer forum, since you're actually requesting this from them..


good luck..


(and for my new post-moving catch-phrase):


"Stilstand is achteruitgang, dus....."



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Originally posted by crazy_dog

Hey, no-ones voloonteering to play as any of the civ factions. :(

I'm sorry Dog, but I really don't know what you are talking about? :) Perhaps you could tell me what to expect from joining?

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Originally posted by Kvan

Why not say Force move topic in Dutch? :)


Uhm ... that would sound silly ... I mean ... how cool is 'Krachtige onderwerp verplaatsing'? ... not so cool huh?


(imagin those crappy SW noves in dutch where they refer to 'De Kracht' instead of the Force)


What were we talking about? Oh yeah, those factions.


For me it's too early to promise such things. Unless I move to the big city I'm stuck with my crappy internet connection. So don't expect me to be much on the Zone when the game hit's the stores :(

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'Krachtige onderwerp verplaatsing' hehehe...that middle word sounds like underwear :D

So your looking for people to build some 'clans'....hmmmm...

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Guest crazy_dog

Oh, yeah, Kvan, I meant each side has 5 players on it. One bosses the others around (High Command), one has Infantry and goes on varios cool undercover missons (SpecForces), one has the rest of the ground troops including basic Infantry (Army) one has the air/space force of fighters, bombers and air transports(Navy/Airforce) and one makes buildings, gathers reasuorces and reapirs/heals thier partner's units.



Now you have to say "Ooooooh, I seeeeeee!" :D

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