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How can I extract a model's wireframe flats?


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... I ask that because I'm one of those skinners that work from the wireframes up instead of recoloring or modifying another skin. I'd use the Search function to see if this question has already been asked but "Sorry. The search function has been disabled by the administrator." :evanpiel:


Thanks. :)

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In case I lost a few people around here, this is an example of a wireframe from a Q3 model:




The white lines overlayed over the original skin is the wireframe flats.


However, what I need is just the wireframes. I find it a lot easier for me if I have the wireframes to work from instead of feeling queasy by working off someone elses skin.


Thanks. :)

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You probably alread noticed it, but since you're doing a Jan-based skin, thought I'd make sure you know of the .Surf capabilities for turning various bits of her on and off so you can ditch the chaps or goggles or whatever :)



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Surf? Uh ... well ... since JK2 uses the Quake3 engine and I had lots of experience with the Q3 engine, I should figure out how to remove the gogs, vest, and other stuff through the .skin files ... but if there's a different way, then I'd like to hear it. :)

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Kirin, nice to see you here, although your avatar does look kind of "different" ;)


Jan has what you call "attributes" that are also added to her body when she uses certain items. I am not a specialist in that area, but I'm sure someone else can point that out for you.


If you are interested in a mod team for jk2, let me know ;)



Project Lead / Mapper 4 Wired Lamp Studios


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