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how do i Get the blue key code off the panel<first level>


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I have sit and looked at that darn little blue thing forever. I have pushed every button on my keyboard. How do I get it? I cant do nothing till i figure it out.


its on the first level


Thanks in advance


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I don't know where you're standing, therefore:



The symbol next to the generator:

Stand in front of it. You will get the message "New Objectives". hit [Tab] and you will see the objective: "Enter the following code at teh terminal... blah, blah, blah..."


That's it. There is onyl a monitor with the symbol. YOu don't have to do anything else in that room.



The large circular room with the 3 ramps and the terminal in the middle.

You have to activate the terminal first (the screens are black, right?)

Go through all sections you can access from from this room and search for further codes and terminals.

Jan will deactivate the forcefield to the "red section" at some point and there you will find a control room, which will activate the terminal in the circular room.

You can find the other codes (red and green) throughout that section.



Small hint for all Jedi Knight 2 levels to come:

If you can't push a button, you must activate it first. The game is so simple, that you overlook some features quite easy.

(It's quite scary, but after a while you begin to understand the game...)

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As with all of the codes in this level, all you have to do is walk up to the panel that the code is posted on and it well logged into your invantory... The blue code is right in front of you as you emerge from the passage where the large gen coil...


~Nomad WR~


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