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The Stormtrooper Saga Mod


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On a small side note deviating a bit here.... shortly after I complete Rave House (see "WIP Rave House Beta Shots " for more info on that) I am going to be starting a single player mod for JK2 centered around a storyline I have been developing. The story is centered around an Imperial Stormtrooper and will most likely end up being around 4 to 5 levels long. Most likely, as the scripting tools haven't been released as of yet, it will be until they come out that the real work will begin. What I need as far as the team goes is thus:


Two mappers other than myself (One of these positions may already be filled.)

Modeling/Skinning People (We will be creating at least two or three new models for some of the scenes in the mod)

Scripting (Obvious enough)

Someone who understands the .roq files and the cinematics well enough to be able to create them.

Graphic Design (i.e. Menus, HUD, Textures)

Storyline and Concepts (Myself mostly but I am open to anyone who wants to help here)


Anyone interested in helping out, I will be putting a small site together overviewing the mod and it's ideas. The name for this mod you ask?


Star Wars: The Stormtrooper Saga


nuff said. Have a nice day everyone, and email me at volrath_the_insane@msn.com or contact me on AIM at dysfunktionalX. Lataz!



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just to reiterate if i didn't mention this, it might be awhile before we actually will start working on it, as I have one or two minor projects to complete up, as well as my current one, the rave house, as well as obviously waiting on raven to release the scripting tools (*kicks Raven*)



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neato unikorn..... i'm prolly gonna be doing another small duel map themed along one of my favorite musical artists to do a little fan promo :D i should be getting an email back from her soon to see if i can put a song in it:D


happy mapping and go read my thread about the NPCs!



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Currently now we have at least 6 members


Four mappers (including myself)

1 Skybox/Texturing/Shader Design

1 Storyline and Concept



we still need the following:



Graphic Design

ROQ Files



We are working on getting hosting so...... there....




have a nice day!



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