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GTKRadiant / JKII Radiant?


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From what little experience I have of each, I can say that GTK is a bit more user-friendly (especially the 3D window), and it seems generally more stable and robust than JK2Rad... Also, JK2Rad (which I started on) wouldn't compile, but GTK would, although the opposite has been the case for a few people...

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I was also never able to get JKIIRadiant to compile, Id always get some wierd error and the prog would crash.

I shelved the idea of making maps till GtkRadiant was released and decided to try one more time.

Lucky for me it works great. Im having a blast messing around with map making.


I just wish there were more tuts for JK2. (Q3 and RtCW tuts dont really work for JK2 sometimes)

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GtkRadiant is definitely the best choice. It is continually updated, very robust, and has got features that JKIIRadiant is missing.


And definitely gets more support from the Q3 engine mapping community.


(And yes, the leak checking feature works great in GtkRadiant. You may have to load the pointfile manually though (File >> Pointfile... and choose .prt file with the same name as the .map file))


// Grudge

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I prefer Gtk to edit and use JK][ in certain circumstances like leak testing. If there is an option in Gtk I have come across it yet.


Gtk is far superior in its interface, case in point 3D view, and the use of the mouse wheel is very helpful.


JK][ was also sonewhat less than stable ;(


I suggest downloading them both and trying them.


- Pseudopath.

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