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one sided glass


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is it possible to set up one sided glass so that when ur on the side of it that u cant see throught the engine wont draw the area on the other side but when ur on the side that u can see through it the engine will draw both areas?



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i think i figured out a sneaky way to do it


make a door the same dimensions as your window area with an area portal inside it and whatever textures u wanted the not see through side of ur window to be


make it so the door is opened instantly when the player is on one side of it and closed when he is on the other


this way it cuts the vis off when the players on one side


you can put a thin pane of glass on the side that see through and it wil look like a one way window froim that side



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Two buts in this case.

If this is a MP map, other ppl or bots may trigger the door (and area_portal) while you are on the other side and vice versa. And you will get HOM. Also, area_portals only work when the area is totally sealed. Since the window is obviously not the only one entrance, you'd have to seal the area or place doors (also w/ area_portals) at the other possible entrances. In my case this was impossible due to map's layout.

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thats all cool in my case cause my maps sp


i just wanted a window to overlook a section of my city without it effecting framerate when ur actually in the city part when theres heaps of other resource eating stuff going on


theres area portals in every door to save frame rate with heaps of npc's and detail



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