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not trying to be a pessimist but


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werent there only 2 ground battles that featured Imperials and Rebels in the OT? Hoth and Endor. I havent watched the OT in a while so I don't remember. Since those are the only 2 battles are you guys going to have the space battles like Yavin as well? Or are there going to be different settings of those 2 maps. Like in Hoth the Rebel base and the snowy hill area and on Endor the woods and the Imperial base?

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Good point Penography :).


Though, we have already solved that part. As we actually have posted before, we will have some battles featured in the movies. Which aren't that many really. Battle of Endor and Battle of Hoth is probably the only ones that could be called Huge ground battles. Though there aren't that many, we will create our own missions in high quality so you wont be dissapointed. We will also, most likely, take some battles from books, RPG etc.


So basically, there will be more self-made missions in Rebel Strike than authentic ones. Weapons, items, textures, sounds and everything else that you could think of is true to the movies though.



/Best Regards, Jim- Modleader & modeler at Rebelstrike crew.

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A mission based on the Tantive IV or an actual rip-off of the boarding from the movies will be included in the first beta.


We have loads of missions in mind but we wont include more than 2 maps in the first beta.



/Best Regards- Jim, Modleader & Modeler at Rebel Strike crew

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