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Why do some change their avatar so much ?


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Originally posted by Paragon_Leon

Why do some people change their avatar so much ? I noticed how it's hard to keep track who is easily identifiable as who nowadays. Some change their avatar every other few days !!

Well i used to change mine every few hours :D

I think people change them because;

A. They find something better


B. They get bored with their avatar quickly.

You've only changed you avatar once, right Leon?

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Originally posted by Paragon_Leon

i didn't really 'change' mine... i enhanced it or rather; i put the enhancement mailed to me (thanks Kvan) in it's place..


i think it brings a sense of familiarity if you stick to a certain avatar. Already i'm associating Rhett with smoking pot.. :D

Is that what yoda is smokin'? :D

I do associate people with certain avatars, but I like changing mine a lot cause I got bored easly with the ones I use :)

I hate it when people use an avatar that someone else used. That can get confusing (i know all I have to do is look at their name)

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Guest Gamma732

I've only used three in my short time here...the default TIE Defender....then two versions of a Gand. The one I'm using now is pretty cool, huh Kvan? ;)

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Originally posted by Gamma732

I've only used three in my short time here...the default TIE Defender....then two versions of a Gand. The one I'm using now is pretty cool, huh Kvan? ;)

Oh, yeah! The one you have is cool! Where did you get it?

Leon, are you planning on changing yours soon? You've had that avatar for long time...

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Guest Boba Rhett

Hehe.... just what I've always wanted people to associate me with. :D


I don't think I'll ever be getting rid of this one. It will probably go through quite a few incarnations though... I'm really liking this latest one. ;)

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i plan on holding on to this one for a while, yeah...

at least until the boards are really booming with life.

then it's total chaos anyway. :D

well, i guess i'll change it eventually, but í'm really looking for one that's a bit out-of-the-ordinary. So no 'typical icon hero' stuff.

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Guest Gamma732

I was merely respecting our mutual desire to put our past behind us. ;)


And Kvan, tell Navk that I said thanks for the avatar lol

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Originally posted by Gamma732

I was merely respecting our mutual desire to put our past behind us. ;)


And Kvan, tell Navk that I said thanks for the avatar lol

OHHHH!!! Now i understand why you ask permission first!! :)

Rommel: *I* always a associated you with the snowtrooper :)

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Guest Gamma732
Originally posted by Kvan

OHHHH!!! Now i understand why you ask permission first!! :)

Rommel: *I* always a associated you with the snowtrooper :)


No, no, you undertsand nothing! And you'll be quiet about what you don't understand, too! heheh ;)

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Originally posted by Paragon_Leon

well, let's see. I associate Rommel with...erm...gee, you know what ? I only associate you with one-liners, not with avatars.. :D :D (ouch)

Ohhh! HAHA Rommel!

So what do you associate me with? :confused:

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Gamma I associate you with a Gand (maybe its just because I've been working with your RPG character) :)

For some reason When I think of Leon, I think of a giant pink head...odd...I think it's because of YD's smileys..

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