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The Jedi Acadamy


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Does anyone know if this is still around? I heard about it from JediKnightII.net, but cannot find it anywhere. If anyone knows about it, where to find it, or if it even exists still, please, I'd much appreciate. I'm attempting to join the trainers.

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If this is what I really think it is (a place where people teach other the way of the light saber) I am ready to sign is as padawan on the double. Even will to start the lessons before the site goes live..

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well..if there's no charge then....not only will I makei t 1/2 the price, I will also take off another 99% of the price after that...lol...I woudln't mind teaching...but I'm in an active clan and compete quite abit..although I'd love to become a teacher in the academy..I'd love a young padawan.

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NerfYoda, are you accepting signups for trainers? I see you don't want students, but teachers? I'm working on my layout for educating duelers. So far it's been highly effective on two test subjects, and I am constantly seeking more. (Turned a light stance cork-screw fighter into a semi-decent dueler!) If you're interested in testing me out, or whatever, here are my contacts:


ICQ - 62607313


E-mail - renegade256@yahoo.com




And Guibs...beware of Dark Begger! I've seen him about, shady figure, somewhat questionable character...hehe. Only kiddin'! He's cool! Let him show you a few things.

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If any serious person willing to be my master, love the Star wars universe as much as me and would like to roleplay the entire "Master - Padawan relationship" Than this could really be something I would be looking for. There isn't a better way also to develop friendship...

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Alynon..lol...my appearance is humble, but you have yet to experience my power....


anyways...Guibs..I would gladly accept you as my young Padawan, but you must not fall in to the powers of the dark side. Keep anger at the door, and you may come with me as I will teach you the ways of the Jedi.

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May i be taught. I have some ex[erince but only in TFF. I need to learn all the moves. At the moment i just hit the buttons and pray. It works for a bit but people soon catch on. Also i have a few kills to my name from the two best powers on the game, Force grip cool for droping people over ledges and lighting good as it knocks away bullets and gets past sheilds. So i can be taught or teach. As for guibs i am willing to be your master if you want. I love star wars too and have seen the Attack of the clones 6 times.:fett::bdroid2::deathstar:saberr::holosid::speeder::dtrooper::x-wing::vadar:

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in my clan |RJ| = (Rogue Jedi), we roleplay, and have padawans

that we teach the way of the force to. I turned an ass fighter PURE ass fighter to a good dueler! I am not kidding, he no longer ass fights at all, never even pulls the backstab move.

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now i am NOT in any way trying to impersonate any trainer or teacher at the jedi acadamy, but, I have an application in to teach light stace and light side force, plus i am soon to be trained, by the great masters of the force at the jedi acadamy, i hope to e accepted, and hav talked to ross about it, so.. i am just saying i want to contribiute!

if ne 1 wants to be padiwan-ed by me no prob, send me an e mail at: ironfist013@aol.com

or my aol name is ironfist013

or just click the aol, icq and/or msn buttons at bottom of the post

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Well, I guess I should put up some credentials too then...


I have mastered 1.02 sabering (there are still some servers out there) and I have near-mastered 1.03 (just some FF backstabbing, and FF saberthrowing left that I have to master..their counters, not how to use them). In 1.02, I specialize in heavy stance and medium stance. I can teach the defence of DFA, and the counter, and how to use heavy to your best advantage. I know some great combos for medium, which work great against heavy users...


In 1.03, I am a medium user, with heavy and light as my back ups. I can teach you tricks and tips against nF backstabbers and assfighters, and give insight on the skill required to backsweep/stab effectively. I can also teach the normal swings, but those are pretty straight forward, as combos are quite easy to build.


I can help with force powers, especially absorb, when to turn it on, when not to....If you are llooking to use dark forces, I acnnot help you as I do not use dark side forces. I can teach you the tricks of push and pull, kick and those other things you hear around this forum (not just how to use them effectively, but how to defend against them).


Guibs, if you would like to follow me as my young padawan, then feel free to email me: mixmasterwongy@hotmail.com

or message me:

ICQ = 122181610

AIM = mixmasterwongman

MSN = mixmasterwongy@hotmail.com

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I definately need training because sometimes I get my ass kicked so much. Is there a way to sign up as padawans? :) I always play on duel servers, mostly ones with no force. I was doing pretty good until the patch came out. I always use medium and light stances, straffe out of the way a lot, and basically try to use the same ideas I used in Heretic II blading. That was really starting to work until the patch. I love Star Wars so much and it drives me crazy that I suck at this game most of the time that I play it.

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I'm jsut curious to see how the Academy stands up to the critical eye of this community. Whether it will be something that is respected, as in, the player will respected/feared if they attended the Academy, or if it will turn into some sort of joke. I personally hope it doesn't become some sort of joke, but you never know.


BTW, while on the topic of Teachers and Padawans, if any one wants a few tips and training sessions (Notice I won't offer to be a teacher, as I feel one cannot teach skill, it must be attained), pop by KnightHawk's server. I can show you how to make light stance an effcient stance, without use of the pull backstab tactic. Just look for Anduin.

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I am willing to take on any person new or inexperienced at Saber fighting as a student. Simply e-mail me, or ICQ me:


E-mail: renegade256@yahoo.com

ICQ: 62607313


I will take up to five people, and I live on the US East coast, so times are of course, EST. I am unable to train Friday, Saturday, Sunday, and Monday nights before midnight, and sometimes I may have to schedual later, due to my job.


Contact me with any requests, or questions. I'll be happy to help.

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I am ready to teach the ways of the darkside and saber skills to any willing JK2 player. I am sure i can teach you mucn but some you can only find out by yourself let me get you started and we may form an unbeatable partnership if you are ready for commitment.:vadar:

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Originally posted by Dark Begger


Guibs, if you would like to follow me as my young padawan, then feel free to email me: mixmasterwongy@hotmail.com

or message me:

ICQ = 122181610

AIM = mixmasterwongman

MSN = mixmasterwongy@hotmail.com


Master Dark Begger, I have just sent you a personnal eletronic transmission to your personnal electronic ID about this matter. Hope to hear from your soon.

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here are some of my credentuials



I have mastered all darkside forces o perfection and can handle a lightsaber extremly well. I know all moves off by heart and have even writen a walk through guide to the single-player and multiplayer game. I would like to pass on my knowlage as i am soon to hang up my lightsaber as i have just got MOH:AA. I will be around for two monthes before i leave. But if i find a worthy partner and a worhty clan i may stay on longer to help them to great glory. :vadar:

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