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Quit Making All These Sad Ass Skins!!!


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*starts whistling*


Hey! Whats over there?


*Runs away*


lol I found the section by following the links at the top of the new skins pages, and I only looked for a brief moment for a link on the front, guess I missed it! I've been going there the long way all this time... oh well!





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Originally posted by UniKorn

Kirin, are you very experienced in UV unwrapping? I could use some help.

A little bit ... haven't been modelling in a long time so I may have forgotten some aspects of a good UVunwrap. Just make skins on various mappings that have different styles into them. However, there's some tutorials out there that I would recommend on UVunwrapping:


HyPer's Gizmo tut: http://www.coronaleonis.com/tutorialgizmo/index.htm


Thornbird's Planar mapping tut: http://www.angelfire.com/tx3/Thornbird/uvmappingtut.html


You might also want to check on this resources thread at MapCenter: http://www.map-center.com/cgi-bin/ultimatebb.cgi?ubb=get_topic;f=3;t=000040



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I have to agree alot fo the skins imo shouldnt have been released, but then again I think most of the 'junk' that was produced was when jk2 had just been released and so in a rush to get new skins in game people just seemed to pump them out.

The work of a community is reflective of its ability to function well. The more experienced skinners here should give advice to the newb's, just as the newbs should be reading tutorials and posting flats of their skins for feedback.


Anyway you skinners should be getting in and doing skins for the custom models. I think it would be great to see some true variety of skins to be released with the new models that people are creating. As Kirin will know, when you get several artists working on their own interpretation of a model, it often results in some inspiring work that has somehting to suit everyone.

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Originally posted by Kirin

HyPer's Gizmo tut: http://www.coronaleonis.com/tutorialgizmo/index.htm


Thornbird's Planar mapping tut: http://www.angelfire.com/tx3/Thornbird/uvmappingtut.html


Thx mate, I knew about the resource thread on mapcenter, but I never saw these 2. The second one seems a very complete explanation. It is not for me, but for one of the modellers in my team :) I'm just a mapper ;)

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I will try to return to gist of the original issue,which is the criticism of submitted skins.


" Constructive Criticism" is the term that I think is appropriate,after all this is a "JediKnight MOD community"-a virtual "community" where ppl with the same interest or passion present and share(generously,openly) their ideas and works. For which I, for one ,am very grateful.


Granted, that there are some shoddily made skins

and have been appropriately critiqued but this is an OPEN forum,so it is expected that all types (good-bad,mediocre,weird,bizarre,original,outstanding) works from all range of skinning skills (beginner,amateur,professional) will be submitted.


There hasnt been any lack of constructive criticism in this forum(see other topics)some people have asked for it(usually from decent skinners),all very civil and informed ,even encouraging criticism.



That said,fair warning to all prospective skinners.Be prepared to take criticism for your work and be honest to yourself about your level of skill and familiarty with making skins and try not to take personally whatever critique

comes your way.


To all "would be" critics ,also be honest with your own skill and understanding of skinning and if you consider yourself good , or not give some "constructive criticism" ,some tips,hints, guidance.Forgive me for this ,but today's apprentice is the future master.......well,most of the time anyways,lol.

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I think it would be great if skins could be reviewed by registered users with comments and critics directly on the files website. It would really create value for the skinners, both experts and beginners. People who submit very bad stuff would think twice about sending it in (getting shouted over by critics) would spend more time and effort trying to make their skins original etc. Good skinners could improve etc...


JK2files.com has something like this, dunno why it hasn't been implemented in jediknightii.net

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"lets not fight and bicker about who killed who, this is supposed to be a happy occation" ~monty python and the holy grail


ok. well despite the fighting and bickering, I have to add in my thoughts :D and no, you dont have to be well known to post an opinion or provide criticism, just dont expect a warm reply if others aren't aware of your abilities. .i'd have to agree with absath. There are some bad skins out there, and perhaps they should be kept for home use only, but then again everyone is entitled to post thier version of "art". but if you are just doing it as a "test" to see if you could, and your not sure, post the skin on the forum for review before submitting it to a website for download. that way when you touch it up a bit, it will be better accepted, unless your one of those "don't care what others think of my art" types, which i too am at times. but just dont forget you have a whole community who wants to help you and if you post your skins we will provide criticism (hopefully constructive), and in the end if you choose to release your model, it will be better.


The problem with the skinners isn't going to be fixed, so i think the problem lies with the websites. perhaps they should be more organized in the way they present skins. I dont care (well i do) what the top 20 downloads are, i want to see the top 20 rated models. then again, that list would never change. perhaps they should have a thumbnail section with pictures of all the models, or several pages of 20 or so thumbnails of a certain type i.e. Ep. I II III IV V VI, outside starwars universe, mace windus, and modifications of the reborn :p I mean, it would take a while to look at, but then i'd be able to decide not to click on a bad model for a closer look in the first place.

Also they allow users to rate models, but they dont do anything with the ratings. maybe [unless the model is new - 1 week old] they should be sorted by rating. and no 1-5, we need something like 1-10 or 1-100, that way those who choose to look at the lower rated skins could. They should also probably have an origional models section too, for new models and the variations of the skins put on that specific model. Cause you know theres going to be a 1000 different types of Yodas, Wookies, and Mandalorians running around soon. I'd like to see the specific model's skins side by side, and choose only my favorites for download. :D


thats just my two 1/2 cents. :p

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I was wondering if it would be helpful to many if the skins sections was to be split into different categories such as "star wars skins" and "others". I dunno, just a thought. I guess it's because i'm the type of skinner that makes skins of other video game characters.

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