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Kick on a TFFA server

Lord Sokar

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Are there CVARs that will allow players to kick on a TFFA No Force server?


I understand kicking requires force jump (level 2?), but I do not want to turn on force powers. If I did, I would only want it to be jump and nothing else.


It seems like I've seen servers that will allow you to set base force powers (jump and the saber attack, defensive and throw - but I DO NOT want throw). I also have a calculator to figure the settings, are these the keys?


Any suggestions?

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I don't believe they fully fixed the disabling of force powers until 1.03. You are correct, kicking requires force jump. So, if you want kicking, you'll need to enable force jump at a minimum. Of course, if you don't want players to be able to jump that high and still kick, you're out of luck--there's no separate cvar for it. Here's a couple g_forcePowerDisable values that may accomplish what you want. Just remember that under 1.02, they don't work correctly.


Jump ONLY - 262141

Saber Attack, Saber Defend, Jump - 163837

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