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Ns_street Need help AGAIN !!!


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Hi all,

Can you help me ???

In Ns_street, after the transparent bridge and eletrified water, There have 2 columbs. 1 strait, 1 not. I jump on the not strait. And now what I do! I try to jump at nest columb but this won't work.

I need to do what ???




If you are talking about the platforms that just off the wall near the driod. You need to move the driod, and hit the switch. Once on the first platform, you can force pull the other one in close enough to jump on it...

~Nomad WR~



Haaaa! thx !!

I need to use the force for the platform !!!


thx !!



Ok! that work but ...

When I'm on the carbage car where I go the opened trap ???

I don't know!

Help PLZ! THX!





HELP ME !!! :(

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Are you pushing the switches along your way? "Use the Force Luke" ;)


If you are, and your getting to point that you're heading down the trash shreader. Look for a some bars on your way down, and have your saber ready...


~Nomad WR~


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