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Level Loading Problems


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Ive just completed the bit where Luke is fighting Desan. The next level starts to laod up and finishes loading then returns to my desktop.. When i try to start the game again i get this message.

GLimp_Init() - Invalid GL Driver


Well i get the usuall code but this is flashing in red at the top and is also at the bottom..


Ive had this problem before with loading the next level but ive just tryed it again and its work..This time it wont. Ive also tryed uninstalling it.


Im running a voodoo5 with a AMD athlon 1ghz with 384 ram, 20g hard drive and im running it all on W98:SE


Please Help as i really want to get by this point in the game.


Ive come to these borads becuase the peol;e here seem to be very helpfull.

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i am having a similar problem on the level where kyle and lando are fighting desan. However, upon loading of the next level it freezes, but does not reboot. Im running a voodoo3 2000. I will probably have to spring for a new $100 card just to play this game the way it was supposed to be played. bummer.

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