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MatrixCpa.. Redirect?


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Actually, the problem isn't that people downloading files suck up too much bandwidth. They are limited to the sv_maxrate for map downloads just as much as they are when playing. Thus, a downloading player only uses as much bandwidth as another player. The problem is that the limit and lack of ability to redirect means that to download a good sized map can take a LONG time.


It's definately on the wishlist...but I'm not going to hold my breath. At a minimum, I'm requesting a separate cvar to regulate download speed so that those with faster connections can allow players a faster map download.

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Thanks for the reply Matrix. at least The cvar would help...Really hoping for a redirect but wishing in one hand and ya know the rest of the qoute

hey 1 other thing that I was made aware of today..

apprently some folks have figured out a new way to use a glitch where you can float to the ground instead of falling.. kinda like the deal where you can move around the map sliding cept it causes the player to just float down slowly instead of falling and getting hurt. causes a major lag spike for players.. Is Ravensoft aware of this?

Again thanks for your insight.

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