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Plot For Episode Iii Warnings Spoliers


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This is from IMDB they have been pretty accurate for Episode 1 and 2. I you want to be surprised then don't read on...however i you need to know then by all means read on.....


Plot: Two years after Attack of the Clones, Anakin Skywalker and Padme Amidala are married, The Republic is at war with Count Dooku's Confederacy of Independent Systems, and Darth Sidious is preparing to make the final move that will ensure him control of the galaxy. With it's nearly endless supply of clone soldiers, the Republic is gaining ground against the Confederacy. Determined to avoid defeat, Dooku places a bounty on the Jedi Knights, who have already come under fire from the Republic itself. When Anakin turns to the Dark Side of the Force and joins the genocidal purge, Obi-Wan Kenobi must fight to protect Padme and her children as he heads toward a tragic showdown with his former pupil.




Internet Movie Database


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Originally posted by Old_Ben

Actually A New hope is about 20 years later. epIII is only 2 years later to explain the going on between the two movies with anakin becoming Dath Vader and all.

oh...gotcha. Well that makes more sense, I mean who would wait 20yrs to have kids.

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Also, I take it Padme gets killed.


I dont think we'll see Padme die because in ep6 Leia tells Luke that she remembers some memories of her mother. So unless the twins are born in the next episode and Leia recalls her memories as a 1 or 2 year old, then I think Padme will survive a few more years after ep3..

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Actually, Sidious and Dooku are on the same side. They are just wanting to start war, which the Chancellor, soon to be emporer, will win.


I dont have a lot of time to explain, but go to http://www.jediknight.net


go to the cantina forums, and read my short story of episode III.


Im not saying Its going to be like that, just what i think.

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