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WIP: Sidious\Palpatine very early model

Adonai Saboath

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To me the shape of the face is still off. It seems to be in the nose. With such a thin and long bridge, it makes the face look very slender and narrow. If you take a look at this picture


you can see that his nose is full and nubby. I think if you lowered the brow a little and made the nose a little more full, you'd get a much better resemblance. Otherwise, everything else about the model is perfect. The shape of the fabric and the way the hood lays over his head is dead-on. The face just doesn't quite look like palpatine though.

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I changed the face a little more, brought the eyes down just a touch





Diffrent brow positions above. Having trouble deciding which I like better


§ith Lord, my bad, I completely missed your post. Would you like to do an origional charecter? I'll send you an e-mail as soon as I get back on my own box :)


CT :lightning


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The brow helps a lot, but I think the problem is definitely in the nose. If you could take a closeup shot of the model's face to match the angle and distance of this picture


I'd be glad to draw up some grid lines to do a comparison. That would pretty much pinpoint any discrepancies.


EDIT: Btw, I think the problem with the eyes might simply be that the pupils are too small, so it makes it look like he has tiny eyeballs.

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face#3 all the way!!



The nose, eyes, and brow could possibly come down, even a bit more, if you really want to touch perfection, though it looks damn close with that latest pic :lightning

I'm curious to see it in 3D and from all angles, as pics can be a little decieving sometimes.

Glad you're touching that up, it's looking even better now!



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Brought the brow and eyes down a little bit more


Here are a few more shots, still tweaking (oops, I had the tags in that side shot)





edit: http://www.drivingcatstudios.com/puzzled.jpg

Don't worry about the area from the middle of the forehead up and back, I have to change that shape a bit, and resize the top of the hood a bit. The with of the noze hasnt changed. I think my earlier shots were really missleading because the mapping has changed, but I havent adjusted the skin to fit the newer face yet so that's why it looks smaller with the skin on then a blank model


CT :lightning


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I see what you mean about the skin being misleading. Anyway, I took the picture of the emporer, drew in some lines over distinctive parts, then resized the screenshot to match and added the same lines over it. In laying the lines over the screenshot, I aligned them to the chin and the brow, because those where the points that seemed to fit perfectly. The images are darkened and desaturated to help the lines stand out.


The distances are a little messed up due to some slight pespective differences, but it gives a pretty good idea of where certain parts should be in relation to others. If you want, I can email you the photoshop file so you can turn the line layer on/off to get a better idea of where things are located.

Hope this helps!

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Thanks inbredyokel, your little sketch pointed out something major to me. The perspective is just a touch off like you said but I beleive I just need to move the eyes down a bit. I'll do that then re-adjust the skin for the mouth and noze.




I think I'll try and line up the eyes like your sketch then match it up with the above refrence pic, I think I'm getting closer

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Wow, the nose\eyes\mouth are perfect!

But there was something that bothered me about the face and I just realized what: his chicks! He's an old old (old old old) man, his chicks are puffy and sort-of like hanging downwards, making his face a little wider it seems. Might require abit of work but it'll perfect his face from the forehead down :D

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Great model guys, keep up the good work. I just thought I would post this though, that the eyes need to be a *bit* bigger and droop abit towards the end. also the chin could be a fraction wider. Other than that the model is awesome, what taunt are you guys gonna give him btw?

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Here's what I have right now, I'm going to see what GraFox/Arco/Myself can come up with skin wise before I tweak the head model any more. I'm going to adjust the uvmaps a little (My weakest area) and shoot a new max file out to you guys asap. I need to compile a new glm too, I dont think I've packed up a new one in almost a week





CT :lightning


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Yeah, weird things are happening around here right now :nut:

I was looking all over for this thread, and then it just appeared.

I also posted twice last night, but they're gone.


Heh, well I'll try again. :p


Great job with the re-modeling, the head looks beautiful.

I happen to think he's rather handsome :holosid:



One great thing about this guy, is that he likes the sound of his own voice. He loves to talk... while he's devastating his opponent with his Ultimate Power!! :lightning


His taunt is "In time, you will call me... Master!"


But he has a whole slew of spiteful, manipulative, and evil comments that he'll likely throw your way.


The sounds for him are a little different than most other models, but that's because I believe he's a little different than most other characters. I hope you all will enjoy the sounds as much as I have so far.

I really enjoyed listening to all his inciteful lecturings while I was editing the sound files. It made me feel much more... powerful... and hateful...




"Use your aggressive feelings..."

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Well, with the chin a little wider he does look better but... As I said, no matter how many wrinkles you draw, he won't look old until his chicks are a little puffier and are 'hanging' over the side of his jaw bones. He looks alot like him now, but instead of looking older he looks young with a bad skin problem.


Still, I think it's really nice that you put up with our nitpicking and work as hard as possible on making him look like the man :D

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