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WIP: Sidious\Palpatine very early model

Adonai Saboath

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I can't do anything with the uv's to make it any better, I'd have to re-map the whole body then re-weight it because of the way I did it origionally. That's one of the things that I would change if I was doing it again. Just do your best Psynex, the latest version you sent me looked really nice :)


DarExc, let me put some screenies together for you




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I don't mean to hold everything up. I haven't touched the skin since my last post. I woke up feeling pretty crappy the other day. I felt a bit better yesterday, for at least the first half of the day. Then, BAM I wake up today and I could barely speak. I'm pretty sure I've got Bronchitus. I haven't had that since I was so very young. I have to make an appointment to see the doctor tomorrow. I've also been very busy with school, work, and social life matters. I'll take one more stab at gettin the effect to work this week/weekend, and if I can't preduce enough results I say release as is (still looks ok) this sunday evening? Toonces, does this sound alright to you?

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That sucks man, I had the same thing this weekend as well, I think it was just a bad cold though. I had to miss two days of work. Any updates on the blue flame thing? or the hologram shutoff shader? if it takes too much time then I say we release it as is. btw the red ctf skin was done by Arco for the guy who asked. is a youner version of palpatine

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All that talk about extending caps over the body and such...doesn't sound to healthy. I think I'm dumping the two effects due to time and giving you the skin as is. I have only 1 more day I can give to this model (which I will) and that's is saturday. I have work 9-5 and all I'll be doing is sitting there on my rump so I might as well bring palpatine along with me. Toonces can you be online saturday so we can talk more quickly over all of this and then FINALLY get this thing out to all these people? PM me an IM or ICQ (preffered).

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