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No origin brush! Please Help!


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I'm trying to make an elevator using func_train and I have no origin brush! I've loaded the system textures a hundred times and there is no origin texture available. I've got shaders active and can see other shaders and all that, but no origin brush. What should I do? Can someone email it to me? Or is there some setting that I need to configure?


Please help?

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Not sure why it's not showing. Do you have mapextras.pk3 in base directory?

Open it in WInZIp and see if you can find origin.jpg in it. Also, locate system.shader in base/shaders and open it in Notepad. See if you can find origin defintion. (just search for "origin"). Last, open shaderlist.txt and check whether system is present there. If everything checks out, than you must see origin texture when system textures are loaded.

Anyway, you can still try to use origin texture, even if you don't see it. Select the brush, press S to bring up surface inspector window. Then type in the texture field: system/origin and press OK. (edit: patchx beats me to it :) ) Compile your map and see if it works.

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Now that I've got the brush and I'm working on a func_train, the darn thing doesn't work; the elevator either doesn't exist ingame or it doesn't move. I made sure to attach another brush as part of the train. Now what?

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