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New Project by BloodRiot and Absath


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Ok, we've decided to divulge a little information about the secret project that we've been working on. This thread will serve the same purpose that the Fett thread did, only this model will be released rather soon, as opposed to the long, drawn out affair that the Mandalorians turned in to.


The closer we get to our proposed release date of this weekend, the more information we will release, and the more revealing the screenshots will be.


This project is actually in stark contrast to our Mandalorians, for many reasons. Most obviously is the fact that the Fett's carried with them a notoriety and infamy. A certain predetermined publicity, if you will. This alone drove community anticipation through the roof. Neither Bloodriot or I expect the same results with this project.


At first, this model may seem rather simple. And the essence of it is. Yet strangely, as basic and elementary as the concept is, there is nothing like it to be found in JK2 yet. It is because of this that we expect many people to love this project. And it is that same reason that we expect that for many people, it just won't be their cup of blue milk, so to speak.


The project is extremely close to release, so you won't have to wait nearly as long as you did for the Fett's. We will be thoroughly checking all animations in-game to make sure everything works properly, in an effort to provide you with the best product possible.


Some details I can release right now are as follows: The model will come with an entirely customized sound set, that will help to personalize the character and flesh him out as a unique persona in the SW universe. The project will include bot support and CTF variations. We will be creating a backstory for the character, so you will know where he comes from, what hes been through etc. this will also help establish the character.


At this point we are planning to do a small single player storyline involving this character and a portion of his life. There is nothing confirmed yet, but it is something we would both like to do, to help bring this project to life.


So, without further adeu, I present you with our first teaser screenshots.






These shots were chose specifically because of their elusive nature. As the weekend draws closer, we will show you more detailed and specific shots, until finally we release and reveal the secret we are keeping hidden that will put these models over the top



Questions and comments can be posted here, and we will try to answer promptly and to the best of our ability Enjoy.



Absath and Bloodriot

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WOW! i posted on another thread how much these ORIGINAL models and skins really help expand the star wars universe farther than anybody expected. Bloodriot and Absath have absolutely confirmed what i've said.


knowing how well made the madalorians were, i'm sure the entire jkII community can only expect something better. to say i'm psyched about this project, guys, is the understatement of the century.


i'm all giddy with anticipation. keep up the great work!

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:eyeraise: Hey, it's looking good... what, um... what is it? Did I not read something in the first post or whatnot, or am I just dumb? I think it's cool looking and all, but what's the difference to any other skin? Is it holding two blades? Does it's hair move? Sorry, pics don't really let that off, so could you explain the motive of this? It's really cool, though.
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Very cool! I can't understand the clothing, jedi monochromatic :) robes something I suppose (I guess it's on purpose)... In the second pic it looks like he has bare arms, but I can't see very well... you guys are mean... ;)


I think the main motive for their models, is that that's what THEY wanted to do, no?

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Originally posted by Lime-Light

there's obviously something truely amazing about this guy's front


good call, Lime-Light. i wonder what it could be ... supposedly more screenies tonite. only time will tell.


i'm STILL giddy with anticipation. keep up the great work, Blood and Abs!

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Well i cant try to write up a tutorial with pics. Tell you what... when i start my next project.. I'll do another model from scratch as i just did this one. I used nothing of the fetts.


So as I model along, I'll take some screenies and write a doc on how im doing along with the screenies.


But I guess you'll have to wait until my next project is done.... If the next project goes as smoothely as this one... it shouldnt take more than 2 weeks tops after i start modeling.


Wait till then :)

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Originally posted by Mr. Data

You guys are very good at making new models :D


I bet that if you guys ever chose to you could make the Jedi Council members and that would truely be superb!



Now that would be a very large undertaking, but also very cool.





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