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New Project by BloodRiot and Absath


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Model is good, but the textures need a lot of work. They are no where near the photorealistic quality of the JO textures. The screenshot of the character from the front looks like it was taken from a SNES game. And try to give his face more of a Jedi look, and less of a surfer d00d look.

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hey blood and abs -


any new updates/screenies/teasers/info on this guy you might want to share with us? incredible model, guys! boy what THAT ever an understatement!


i'm still so *BLEEP* giddy with anticpation, i think i just may pee my pants ...

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Originally posted by Absath

then dont omses...i dont understand the point of announcing that you don't like it.....






the point of a forum is to exchange oppinions about a certain subject. and that's exactly what he did, almost every person in this thread stated that he likes the model, why didn't you tell them off if you don't see any point in stating ones oppinion?


ps: no offence meant, just annoys me a bit

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there is nothing wrong with sharing your oppinion if it is positive criticism, sayin that you just dont like the model without offering advice on how it should be changed isnt positive criticism, it is being an @$$. Bloodriot and Asbath but alot of work into everything they do, and it is not to please the general public, it is because they enjoy doin it


just my $0.02


great model guys im really lookin forward to it

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We were going to post these pictures last night, but Lucasforums were "taking heavy loads, and were sorry for crapping all over themselves" or something like that. so we couldnt get in to update.


So im here right now to blow the cover wide open on this project, as we plan to release it later tonite. I am going to explain the little secret we've been hiding, and show pictures.


We havent settled on a named yet, but we are very close. He will have a name by tonite when he is released. He is a young promising Jedi among the order, very powerful, but also very misguided. In our SP story conversion, we will chronicle his descent to the dark side, and his bonding with a Sith master who trains him.


Because he was once a Jedi, now fallen to the dark side, we have done two models. Until now, you have only seen the Jedi version. So i now present to you the two versions that will be released tonite, the Jedi and the Sith.




But that is not all. We all know that standard Jedi travel garb is a thick, flowing Jedi robe. In our readme, we will be providing instructions on how to set up hot keys to speed up the manual model change, for those that don't know. The default selectable character will be the version you see in the picture above. Through manual model selection, you will be able to put on/take off the Jedi robe, and also the Sith cape. some pictures in-game:




We feel that this will add a little spice to both models, and also complete the Jedi feel to the model.


Now, as we had stated before, these models are not for everyone. For some people, they will be perfect and exactly what they are looking for. They will finally have a 'real' Jedi to play as in-game. To those people I can say we're happy you are looking forward to this model. For some this model isnt glamorous enough, isnt cool looking enough etc. To those people I can only say "look elsewhere" Darth Maul will be coming out soon, among some other great looking models. perhaps our next project iwll hold some more appeal for you.


So there you have it. The whole package. Nothing superstar-like, just something rather simple, but also lacking from the game currently.


For the time being we will not be allowing reskins and SP mods to be released for this model, at least until we have a chance to put out our SP storyline we have planned. After that, we will most likely be done with this character, then allow the community to use it for their own SP levels etc.


Any questions and comments can be directed here.



-Absath and Bloodriot


PS: And the reason I don't want to see "I dont like this model. I'm not downloading it" is because we don't care. If people don't like our model, fine don't download it. We're not gonna go rushing around altering our work just to try and please every last board goer that is upset that we arent doing EP2 obi wan or some official character.


We prefer the posts with a little constructiveness in them. If someone says "I would really like this model if not for (insert reason here)" and then explain why, we'll listen. But just coming in here and saying "i dont like it. i dont want it" doesnt do anything but take up useless space. we can take bad critisicm, we already resized the head a bit due to bradfu's sugesstions (it was a tad too big) but we don't want to listen to stupid critisicm


PPS: And Omses....you sound like you have a hard on for Kevin Sorbo, since you appear to be seeing him constantly. Wishful thinking maybe? I havent talked to anyone who has seen any resemblance besides maybe a similar haircut. Get over it man.

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Lookin great! I really like this project :) While I don't do any modelling (yet), I'm focusing on original characters in my skinning, there's just too much room in the Star Wars universe for playing around to not do it :D


I REALLY like the Jedi cloak! From the screenshot, it looks like you guys have pulled it off nicely, and that gives me hopes that the others that are doing that kind of thing can be successful too :) I can't wait to try this guy out, can't wait to check out your SP mod too! :)




(PS - I'm glad my input was valuable :) )

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hey blood and abs -


great work fellas!


i have one little question, though. couldn't you have found some really high-res publicity photo of mr. sorbo and pasted his face on your model? don't you know that you HAVE to comply with everything people think?! *resistance is futile* that's one of those unwritten rules - a "gentlemen's" agreement if you like. j/k ;)


since you plan on releasing it tonite, i don't think i'm actually gonna pee my pants ... BUT i am STILL giddy with anticipation!


what's next on your plate, if you don't mind me asking. you guys crank these out so fast, can we expect the next model by monday? hehe - i swear i'm the funniest guy i know. ;)


keep up the INCREDIBLE work!





WOOHOO! this is my 100th post ... i'm a sith probe droid!!!!

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I think your work is very impressive. I am wondering a couple things though. First off does this model have the backstab correct, or is it set up like the fetts? Secondly I have all the software to do modeling but I have some pretty basic questions. I was wondering if it would be possible to email you guys with some questions. I don't want to burden you with them if you are busy though.





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I've spoken to other people aobut hte first shows, and since the gear looked rather.. shabby and well barberous with the big thick hair it did remind me of kevin surbo the man who played herculese.. does that mean i have a hard on for him??? I think not.

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Ok... Im getting really tired of the Kevin Sorbi cracks. I dont see Kevin Sorbo when I look at my model. Absath doesnt see Kevin Sorbo when he looks at his skin. But for the sake of argument let's say he does look like him. What the hell do you want me to do then?


What am i supposed to do? what changes should I make to this model assuming i would?


This is diference between BradFu's critique and gonk-raider's cr@pping through his mouth.


I listen to stuff i can work with.


The Model is gonna be released as it is...as you see him there... all those who dont like it are free no to download it.

It's not like im working at McDonnalds trying to please an unsatisfied custumor. This is my hobby for crying out loud.


This is specially directed to Gonk and Omses.... dont think anyone else deserves this.

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wow, I didnt even make a comment on it except for a lazy Its kick ass due to my lack of insperation to actualy tell you what i liked about it...but yet..I WAS CRAPPING THROUGH MY MOUTH.. right!!! are you high?



and I sorta applogize, Atleast you guys are making the effort :D

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Gonk... i see you taking smart ass remarks on other people's work ever since before the sdk came out and people could only skin the game models.


what i meant is i can deal with comments that give me ideas to make this one better.


The Kevin Sorbo cracks dont relly tell me what I should do to make it better.


I can dela with "It's great!" I can deal with "it's not bad I guess!" I can deal "I'm sorry but I dont like it!"


I can deal with "you should make his head smaller!" i can deal with "I think his skin is can still be bettter!"


But what the hell am I gonna do with "He looks like Kevin Sorbo!"...specially when it's repeated over and over. Is it a good thing? Is it a bad thing? What should be changed? Are you asking me to change anything btw?


Hell.... be contructive on your criticism dammit. Ican take bad reviews as long as I agree that yes it could be better and yes i can make it better.


That is all.

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gonk...thats all you ever do. no one likes you on these boards. everyone hates to see you in their threads. You dont read what anyone writes, because if you did you wouldnt have posted :


"So the final word on this is..Your not allowed to criticize their work for it will be considerd unessary and put in to the cliche of a generized *it sucks* reguardlesss if it has a intro and a body to the complaint..."


because you would have read that i posted that only comments like "it sucks" will be put into the generalized "we dont give a sh*t what you think" category. anything with subtance in the critisicm will be read and considered.


tho you have been permanently in the above category since you trolled your way over to these boards a couple of months ago.




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Hey Absath and Bloodriot... I don't know what's happening to the people in this thread... but I'd just like to take a time out and make it clear that you guys are the mack $h!t. I think your model looks incredible, and I will, without a shadow of a doubt, be downloading it the moment I notice it has been released. Thank you very much for contributing your amazing skills toward bettering the online Jedi Outcast community. I like the fact that you guys are now only making custom Jedi/Sith. It's much more creative... and although I enjoy models of the main Star Wars characters, I will also very much enjoy stepping into the mind of Absath and Bloodriot to see their creativity in action in the form of custom models. I may even have some idea's for future custom models if you guys are interested. Thanks again guys...



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Ok, I said it looked like Kevin Sorbo because when I first saw his face it was the first thing that came to mind. I dont have sex with kevin Sorbo, Or love Kevin Sorbo, or even get a "hard on" as Abs likes to put it (Although hes one sexy bitch! LOL) Your right, you dont have to change it at all! BUT, why do you post pictures and ask people what they think if your not willing to hear critism? "I dont like it" isnt critism, what would i do to fix it? (assuming you feel it needs fixing) IF i had made it I would have reskinned the face, I dont see anything wrong with the model at all, (although his head seems a little big, but I know some people with really big heads)

there thats what i think is wrong with it, I think it resembes Kevin Sorbo too closely, who would be the last actor I would choose for a jedi.

BUT, thats just me.

I loved your Jango/Boba Models/skin

your right maybe im not ready for "Original characters" yet, im still in the Star Wars buzz from the movie. But I did like the Sith outfit and the outfit with the robe robe.

If I would change ANYTHING it would be the way he looked.

and you dont have to change it, You guys said you didnt see Kevin Sorbo at all! BUT, others said they did, so its not just me.




Ps. excuse my spelling im from Canada.

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i dont know y ppl dont like ure model

maybe becuz they can't make models themselves


plus, working on an original model gives more freedom

if they were working on a SW character, then they would have more criticism on what the character looks like, "u're missing his left pocket", etc.


btw, keep up the good working



- tai

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Looking real sweet guys, the robed Jedi gives me confidence that my Sidious robe can work in JK :D


One suggestion though, on the one with the dark uniform, darken his hair a little bit to a deeper brown, and perhaps add a little bit of facial hair on him too, a little gotie or something simmilar, would really add to the overall "badass" feel that he gives off.


The other two are just about perfect. I'd suggest that on the robed one to skin a silver necklace with a thin chain, and some kind of ornament.


Fabulous you two :D



ps. Check your PM's when you have a sec blood, I had another question for you :cool:


CT :deathii:

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