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New Project by BloodRiot and Absath


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Did you guys say you were NOT doing star wars characters? *kneels down and thanks god* but instead original characters from your own minds? i was a little shocked from that so i didnt really read thru all the hercules stuff.


sweet model guys, the robe looks sweet and is bringing amazing ideas into my mind. (star wars meets matrix? keeanu reeves with a lightsaber?)

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Hey absath, I know our paths haven't exactly crossed on good, firm ground, but I was wondering, since you did point out to me when requesting models, to actually request star-wars related ones... well, when I saw the Jedi-robed model you are working on, I just could picture an anakin like that, only with a black robe, and darker hair, so I was wondering if in your near-future spare time, if you could maybe, possibly work on a robed anakin.. I have plenty of screenies , and bloodriot, could you help out with the skinning, or is it vice versa... well, the two of you I guess:) If you could just make that ONE Model, I will never ask for another model again... :)

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looks great. glad someone is making quality origional story lines. and hell, i bet a few good skinners out there could whip a pretty nice obiwan and qui-gon skin out of that model, when you allow skinning of course :p i know i'd like a crack at it. keep up the good work and i cant wait to see your next project.

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Well it seems jkii.net is experiencing some issues with their file-base. im not sure how this affects new submissions. I'm going to speak with James from jkii.net and ask him what the situation is. Hopefully you will be able to get the DL from jkii.net. I dont have much faith in Massassi or Polycount, because we sent them the Mandalorian pack and to my knowledge they still havent hosted it.... perhaps jk2files.com.


We'll look into it ;) we're finishing up the custom sounds right now, and im just doing some last minute tweaks to the skin.


We have decided on his name as well. Tyrion Kane is what he shall now be known as ;)


I can also give you a bit more information about the SP mod we'll be doing with this guy. To put your mind at ease, it will not just be a simple plug and play sp conversion for the jk2 game. We are going to be creating an entirely new storyline focusing on Tyrion as the player character. The storyline will chronicle his decent to the dark side at the hands of a Sith lord, and the conflict that follows. To follow in suit with the Star Wars genre, we will be releasing this storyline in a trilogy. Each Episode of the story will contain multiple chapters, featuring entirely new characters, levels, textures and sounds.


For those of you that are worried that this will interrupt our production of models, fear not. We will be creating new key players for this storyline, including obviously the Sith master that tempts Tyrion to the dark side, as well as perhaps Tyrion's former Jedi trainer, among others. These will all be made playable for MP as well as in our SP storyline. And once we have succsefully told our story, we will be allowing the community to make use of our models and textures etc for their own storytelling purposes.


So keep an eye out. either blood or myself will post here when the models have been released.




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Great skin. By far, it's the best Jedi garb I've seen thus far. Especially like the dark browns contrasting with the traditional light fabric. A style I haven't really seen so much. Nice work.




That cloak looks awesome! It's something I've definitely been looking forward to for quite a while. And to toggle it on/off with a hotkey... too cool! And love the mullet. ;) Thanks a bundle.




I only have two suggestions. It might be a little too late for these but whatever may help. You've already got a top skin here.


i. re-size the head. I understand you might've already done this but it still seems a little to wide for me. The neck also seems somewhat large to me.


ii. touch up the face. It seems a little too animated I think. Maybe use a pic off IMDB as a template and work on that.




Overall.... great work. I'll be one of the first to download with my crappy 56k (more like a 28... bah.)

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Hey abs, maybe you could have someone make the Sith Temple of Korriban where Tyrrion Kane could be trained in the Sith Arts.. I have plenty of screen pics to go with it, and I'm sure you've seen ym threads, like this one lingering around the Forum http://www.lucasforums.com/showthread.php?s=&postid=581276#post581276 That would make for a good quest/subquest for the storyline of this new project you and blood are storming up...

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Originally posted by Andy867

Hey abs, maybe you could have someone make the Sith Temple of Korriban...


Blood/Abs: Sorry for the quick hi-jack.


We are currently working on mapping the planet of Korriban right now. So, while it may not be in Blood's & Ab's SP, it will be in our TGA mod.

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Originally posted by Leagle



It's no space marine.




Why is Tyrion sounding familiar???


Well I dunno about you, but when I first read "Tyrion", it instantly reminded me of "Tyrael" from the PC game Diablo 2.


Data :aobi::saberb:

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now theres an idea! a tyreal model! changed just enuf so that blizzard couldn't sue. but how(if you could) do the flowing wings? thats the coolest part of everyones faveroite (or at least my fav) archangel combating the forces of evil. well, best part next to the flaming sword, or the armor or the...

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Perhaps Tyrion sounds familiar because it's a total ripoff from the tabletop game Warhammer fantasy battles?


That's not a bad thing, though... Tyrion was (is?) one of the most bad-ass special characters (even though he was a gay-high-elf).


keep up the good work!

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i think this is cool, he looks like a proper jedi but not from the star wars universe, good work!!!!!!!!!


also from one of the pics with all 3 characters on i can see the middle one as a very good base for more well known jedi, like mace, obi wan etc

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well ive never played warhammer so its not a "total ripoff", its just a coincidence. i mean christ, did you complain when you first heard lukes name? "Hey! i have a friend name luke! george lucas ripped off his name!"


please dont be so ignorant =P Luke....Kyle....all boring and common names, but as soon as we create a name that for instance, has 3 letters in common with another (Tyreal) or was used elsewhere, suddenly its a rip off.


you people seriously need to consider the creative process for a moment, and ask yourself what exactly is original anymore. Most stories, at their heart have been done a hundred times before, Star Wars included. Its how you tell that story that makes it unique. Everyone has to get their ideas somewhere, and they come from a natural process of thought.


for a name, you stumble upon a common root, add some letters from different words and rearrange them etc, and you've created an original name. or have you? what if someone else followed that same thought process in a completly different area. or a slightly different line of thinking and produced the same results. two people create the same thing, entirely separate from eachother.....does that make it any less original or either of them?


i really wish some people would think before they open their mouths.




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Absath, what's your problem?


If you actually READ my post you should have noticed that I said:

-That's not a bad thing, though


kinda nice "coincidence" after all... =P


-=Ingen kan hindra oss från att dricka jättemycket ööööööl!=-

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absath, could you please tell us how you indeed came up with your not-so-original-anymore name?


while you're at it, you could tell me where to download your model... I can't seem to find it anywhere =\

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