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New Project by BloodRiot and Absath


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Very good job you have done Absath and BloodRiot !!!


Now it's my favorite model ;).


Thank you to all that you have done in order to make happy the jk's community.


Qui-Gon Jinn, a jedi protecto of the Republic.

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Good job when I heard you guys where only gona do original models I thought it was gona be a waste of talent but you guys proved me wrong and that cape on Sith Tyrion is very nice :). But I can't take it off him i read the read me file and i can uncape him or add the robe to his jedi counterpart. Can any one tell me how to do it. and Keep your models comeing there very good. :)

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great job guys I'll have many fun hours playing with this model. I'm using the model in the single player and I have one question: would it be possible to change between the robed and non-robed model in single player like you can in multiplayer? I have both models bound to keys in multi so just before a fight i can drop my robe and put it back on after :)....Would love to be able to do that in single player...any ideas how?


cheers and once again great job :)

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I have to say, i love the looks of the screenshots. They certainly look phenomenal. I can tell you put a lot of work into your creations. I can't wait to download these at home (i'm at work right now) and check 'em out on JK2.


I must say though, Absath and Blood Riot... you both have my respect. I am an artist myself, mostly just pencil and paper, but hey, i do what i can in my time, which isn't much. However, i did draw up an original Twi'Lek Jedi that i think would make a cool model and might be something you guys would want to do. Let me know if you're interested in seeing it and i can get it scanned in. If you could just send me an email, numberonedrum@kaiburrsaga.com and i'll get it to you.


Thanks for sharing your awesome work with us all.



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This model is great! I only two problems with it though that you might want to fix up. One (which isn't a biggie) is the jedi tyrion's taunt is really quiet. The other problem I found was when changing to sith tyrion capeless he turned all gray and became the sith tyrion with the cape. Thank you for such a great model!

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I also ran across the gray Tyrion "model" and easily fixed it.. you will need to set aside 4 bind keys to get it all to work... for me I have it set as this:


bind p model jedi_tyrion/robed

bind i model jedi_tyrion/default

bind v model sith_tyrion/caped

bind g model sith_tyrion/default



instead of the UNrobed and UNcaped, just replace it with the word default, and it will fix it.... by the way Blood, did you get my PM by chance?

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Ok... guess some people are finding the skin switching rather confusing... I'll try to clear out evrything i can here.


Jedi Tyrion:



Default versions:

To use the default colored unrobed version just select him in the player menu or type "model jedi_tyrion" in the console.


To use the default colored robed version type "model jedi_tyrion/robed" in the console.


Team Colored Versions:

to use the bue colored unrobed version select it in the player menu or type "model jedi_tyrion/blue" in the console.


to use the red colored unrobed version select it in the player menu or type "model jedi_tyrion/red" in the console.


To use the blue colored robed version type "model jedi_tyrion/robed_blue" in the console.


To use the red colored robed version type "model jedi_tyrion/robed_red" in the console.


Sith Tyrion:



Default versions:

To use the default colored caped version just select him in the player menu or type "model sith_tyrion" in the console.


To use the default colored uncaped version type "model sith_tyrion/uncaped" in the console.


Team Colored Versions:

to use the bue colored caped version select it in the player menu or type "model sith_tyrion/blue" in the console.


to use the red colored caped version select it in the player menu or type "model sith_tyrion/red" in the console.


To use the blue colored uncaped version type "model sith_tyrion/uncaped_blue" in the console.


To use the red colored uncaped version type "model sith_tyrion/uncaped_red" in the console.


You can also bind keys to each of these commands

Just pop the console and type "bind X Z"

X=key to be bond to the command

Z=command you want bond

Example: Bind r model jedi_tyrion/robed



Well I hope this helps you ppl out.

We are glad you enjoy our work. As soon as i can find some willpower to take up on the mandalors again i'll fix that god forsaken saber issue :p



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Gentlemen, thank you for your time.


This model is absolutely spot on!


Unfortunately for me, im having MP issues ATM and can no longer reliably play MP anymore, ive reinstalled numerous times, and tweaked and whatnot, all to no avail.


Basically, what i was wanting to find out, if possible of course, was what sort of timeframe did you fellas have in mind for your SP version and character bio?.


I understand that you have some plans in the pipeline, and please dont think im trying to hurry you up, Its merely something im interested in finding out, due to my current MP predicament.


Thanks again for all the effort you guys have poured into these models/skins and the JK2 community in general. Life would be a bit more dull without talented guys like you two around to sate our appetites


Thank you for everything



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any idea on how to get the unrobed jedi model in the single player? It defaults to the robed jedi when I put it in the modele/players/kyle folder...any help would be great ta.


update: never mind i worked it out. just removed the robe from the tyrion.pk3 :) now i can play both robed and unrobed in SP. If only i could swap em without having to exit the game, swap pk3 files and re-load the map :(

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Absath, Bloodriot........


I know its of no MAJOR concern, but i managed to get my MP game workin again, and i just have to say once again........


I WUBS JOO! this model/skin pakage is exactly what i was looking for, keep the faith, and i look forward to your next work of art :)



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