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Non Combatants

Exar Kun II

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OK, has this ever happened to you?



You are in a severthat is labelled "DUEL". You are inside waitng your turn, but it takes forever, because you have players who don't duel. They run, skip and hop around, hiding from one another, with an occasional Force Lighning or Drain. ARRRGGHHH!!!!


Is there any penalty that can be visited on players that do that?

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I don't think so. you can't even call them names cause people in duels can't hear spectators. your only hope is to wait your turn and then kick the people that don't fight (which is kinda mean {unless they really deserve it}). other than that you just have to sit it out.:(:atat::deathstar:deathii::deathstar:deathii:

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The solution - 2 or 3 minute time limits on duels. That about as long as it should take to kill eachother. Try to find a server that is setup better with time limits for duels. I have the 2 minute limit on duels for my server and so there is no more pussy-footing around.

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