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Please help? I can't wall walk to SAVE MY LIFE!


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If someone had a gun to my head and told me the only way to save my life would be to wall walk, well let's just say that'd be the end of yours truely.


So I read this guide. It says all I gotta do is jump/move/strafe into a wall or something like that. Well I've tried it like 100 times and got no results. I was in this duel game with a bunch of really good players in the Face Off mod. Anyone who's played it knows those 4 pillars in the middle right? Well some of this guys would jump up, latch onto the pillars, and swing all the way down, spinning around the poll as the went. I WANNA DO THAT, DAMNIT! It looks so cool!


Anyone able to help me here? I'm clueless.

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Wall walking was a bit tricky for me to do at first. Here's an easy list to becoming a wall walker!


- Make sure you have Level 2 Jump or higher.


- Find a long hallway with a straight wall, and stand next to it, putting the wall on your right.


- Run along the wall by hitting forward.


- Then, while holding your forward key, also hit the right strafe key.


-At this point you should be running both right and forward. But since the wall is in the way, you should still be running forward.


- Hit jump and hold down.


- You should be walking along the wall now.


After you get this down, try to it more on the fly. You've got wall walking under control when you can walk around the pillars in the red base on CTF-Yavin.



MTAIRS - I've tried it, but I've not been able to do it. If you've seen people doing things that looks like they're wallwalking really high. If you nail a different angled surface, you'll get a mild boost to your jump. On maps like that duel map in the mountains with the little stream and the force boons, you can wall walk along the cliffsides to get massive boosts.


There's also an invisible brush on CTF-Yavin that you can wall walk up and then seem to float in mid air. It's above the Red Team's symbol in the crossroads. Just wall walk along the logo block and you should go straight up.


(Not that being up there has any strategic value - it's bad for sniping as everyone can see you, and you have no cover. But it looks cool, and in JK2, that's half the fun. :)

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