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Moooa's dengar is finally up for download


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i followed his thread for a while and thought it was a new model. JKII.net has it listed as a new skin ... go figure.




went to download it last night and it wasn't in the skins section anymore. been moved to the model section, where it belongs.


great *bleep* model moooa!

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I D/L'ed the new Dengar model and thought it was pretty good. But I found a small problem: When you look at Dengar from behind, he has the stormtrooper #011 imprinted on his back. I don't know if its a glitch on my part or if you intentionally released Dengar with the 011 on his back...

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U have right, I started my model on modify the stormtrooper.xsi file

And I have no ref pics of dengar back so I kept the back torso of the xsi file. For other part I model around the original mesh

But if u have a pic of dengar back or if u know how his torso back looks like, it will be a pleasure to change it :)

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I have your Dengar, adn he seemed to werk fine, but when I added in a new saber hilt he started to hold things funny. Like with medium style only one hand would hold the saber, and when you did force lightning and push they would be off to the right of his body? I think this was something with the saber but it werks fine with the other models...strange.

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