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/thedestroyer "without cheats"


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Been trying it out for 24 hours and so far it works just fine. Thanks for making this available.


I don't know how long I'm going to keep running this, as it seems to draw the wrong type of people for our honor-play server but I do appreciate the effort you've made to make this available to a lot of people.

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This file that u made so that we can use double lightsaber without haveing the other cheats ius a great idea. I have a prob though, when i use winrar to unzip it nothin is extracted from the zipped file, i mean nothing. I get a destroyer file name folder but nothin inside it. Cau ya help me polz

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okay ui must sound stupid but im not, but i extracted the file using winzip andd its in my base folder. But how exactly do i install it? not sure how to i just have this one file and thats it.

Plz help thx

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If you look at this thread, someone didn't like the idea of a .RAR file so I've provided both a .RAR file and a .ZIP file. Both of which should contain a file called




All you have to do is place this file in your base folder (e.g. C:\Program Files\LucasArts\Star Wars JK II Jedi Outcast\GameData\base). That should do it.


Once you start the server, it should load that file (given that it's in the base directory). An easy way to check to see if it's working is when you connect to your server, instead of seeing "CHEATS ARE ENABLED", you should see "LIGHTSTAFF IS AVAILABLE VIA '/THEDESTROYER'"


Hope that helps!

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The thing everyone misses because they skim this thread is that you have to load the maps using the




command. I'll bet money that's why most of the people can't get it working.


Things I've found from running this several days


1. Thiv doesn't get as much thanks as he deserves.


2. Double sabers handle differently than single-blades and personally I much prefer the old-style myself (and play with one on my server).


3. Double blades seem to do more damage in close-in melee but other times they seem to have no particular advantage.- very wierd.


4. They are buggy. Oftentimes characters will get stuck and can't move unless they do a roll, someone kicks them (in the head) or grips them and forces the avatar to physically move. Sometimes that doesn't work and they have to suicide.


5. You can't tell what stance someone is using since all styles have the same "stand there and look dumb" stance. :)


Once again, thanks for making this available. I will be using the mod for the few days my server has left to live since Raven apparently isn't releasing a 1.04 patch.

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For the first time today, someone showed up with a hack that allowed them to use guns and an "invisible" skin.


The player had a stormtrooper skin that "melted in reverse" meaning it would grow out of the ground, the opposite of a corpse dissolving and was able to shoot at people while "underground".


When this becomes widespread (as you know it will) I'll have to take the dual-saber mod offline and go back to a pure server only.


Once again grief players ruin play for others...


BTW, I got the jerk's IP address but if I post it here I know it will be deleted. If anyone wants to grief a grief player, contact me privately.



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Well, when I started trying to figure out how to make a "destroyer only" cheat, I just simply did the obvious...I simply took a HEX editor and "zero'd out" the occurances of "god", "noclip", and "give". I didn't do anything fancy here. So, with that said, I'm not sure how to counter this hack you're talking about. I'm no expert (by any means).


I feel like no matter what folks do, someone will always find a way to hack things and make it "no fun" for everyone. Oh well, what can we do?

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I'm not sure why you think the problem is there. All I could see is that he found 3 new commands. Two of these three (i.e. headexplodey and g2animent) are definitely in the original jk2mpgame.qvm file. However, "loveandpeace" is not in the original jk2mpgame.qvm file. If you think that disabling the "headexplodey" and "g2animent" commands will fix the problem, it's easily done.


Please comment on this!

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The problem is most definately g2animent! People are spawning armies of NPC's to lag out my server (the griefing f-ers).


One jerk spawned them out in space where players couldn't kill them (unless they got the troopers to shoot at them then reflected the shots back).


Its too bad there isn't a way to do this server side, that could be fun...

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Oh, awesome. You guys already figured out the problem. I just now figured this out from a deleted thread in another of the forums. Some guy said the command and I thought he was BS-ing until I tried making a reply and noticed it deleted. So I got suspicious about why it was closed, went into the game, and sure enough out popped a stormie. I managed to reproduce what that kid did on your server. If you look down slightly at the ground and spawn it, the little bastard will sink to the bottom but still shoot ya. Good to know it's already fixed.

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By the way I've been having a blast with this with my regulars tonight. I'm going to keep the old version for when I'm around and run the updated version for when I'm not.


Many many thanks once again. :)


I'll let you know if there's problems.

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I've edited my mod a little further. Can some of you help me test it out.? I have replaced the "Pure Server" text that appears every time you load a map with my JKII webpage, i.e. http://www.math.tamu.edu/~thenders/jkii and it's supposed to be green text. Also, the text "Lightstaff is available via '/thedestroyer'" has been made red. It looks fine when I connect to my own server (of course, we're using the same files...so it should). I want to know if anyone else is seeing this as well. Again, my server is at jk2.tlhiv.com

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This is what I've found from testing it myself. I couldn't join your server because it doesn't appear up right this minute.



Note: The server i tested it with was inpure, but i imagine it'd be the same for pure servers.



server with downloads disabled and client with downloads disabled = works fine (client still see's CHEATS ARE ENABLED and not lightstaff message because they don't have the MOD)


server with downloads disabled and client with downloads enabled = won't work (client try's to join server and try's to download the mod, won't work because download not enabled on server hence they can't join - this is what happened when i tried to join your server last week)


server with downloads enabled and client with downloads disabled = works fine (no problems it just connects straight into the game)


server with downloads enabled and client with downloads enabled = works fine (client has to download the mod before he can join)

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Thatnks for the research. I really wasn't aware that others weren't seeing my "LIGHTSTAFF IS AVAILABLE VIA '/THEDESTROYER'" message. I guess it only makes since though. Oh well, that's just too bad. Since I have a cable modem, it wouldn't be wise for me to allow downloads because I don't think I could supply enough bandwidth for downloads and gameplay at the same time. :mad:

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yeah, i have an adsl line with downloads enabled, people didn't seem to mind soon as it's only small. i think it'd be best to disable downloads and put in the server name something to tell people to disable auto downloads like "musthave autodl off"

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Well, you've gotten your answer already. Players who connect try to download the mod automatically because its in the server's \base directory. I have downloads turned on and it doesn't really lag the server or cause bandwidth problems very much.


I was hesitant about it but the results have been good.


In other news...


...would it be possible to find out what the g2animent command was replaced WITH privately? :)


My players really liked the bots running around occasionally.

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Well...I just zerod out the command...which means that the command has no name anymore. However, I can re-edit for you if you would llike (or I could tell you how to do it) and could make g2animent whatever you want (as long as the name doesn't have more characters that G-2-A-N-I-M-E-N-T, i.e. 9). Just let me know. I can give you my email address if you'd like

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If you wouldn't mind doing it, I would greatly appreciate it.


Would someone be able to hexedit the mod and figure it out, though?


If so I would try it anyway but have to go back to the null version if someone found it out.

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My email address is


Why don't you email me with the (no more than) 9 characters that you would like to have instead of g2animent. I'll email you back the file. Also, if you disable downloads on your server, they won't be able to get your file and figure out what you've made it.

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