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Some fast mapping questions!


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This is kinda in the wrong forum (you should've put it in "mapping"), but here goes:


1. How do i make a single player map


I'm assuming you have all the software here....simply build your map, then right click the orthographic view and choose info>info_player_start to add a sp spawn point...this is where your character starts. Make sure you're in Single Player editing mode (under preferences i believe) before you start your map!


2. how do i choose a single brush


Simply hold SHIFT and click the brush in your 3D view.


3.how do i play the single player maps once i make them


You need to compile them. Click BSP on the menu bar, then click Fullvis. Then start JO, bring down the console (shift+`), and type devmap <whateveryourmapscalled>


Hope that helps



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