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Code of Ethics?

Darth Deez

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Hey all,


I just picked up the game a week or so ago and started the MP over the weekend. I was just wondering if there is an established code of ethics or anything like that for the MP. I already understand that spamming on the force powers is considered a bit shady. Anything else?


~Darth Deez

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Spamming any move is kinda frowned upon. Running around backwards into crowds and holding down attack to get some backsweep kills is a bad idea.


When someone has their saber out, but off (by hitting "1" when it's out) they're either talking or challeging someone or something and shouldn't be attacked. This is within reason though, so if someone is sitting there whining about something for ten minutes feel free.


That's the basics. If you browse the forums enough, you'll find doing anything pisses someone off, so don't worry if you get some people mad. :) Just try to play fair and have fun and you'll be fine.



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Well, there's SC (Saberists Code).

That means that you fight honourably, and that you bow to each other before fighting one on one, and you tend to kickvote those who don't agree with you. You're not supposed to attack anyone with their saber turned off, or who are typing something, and you gang up on ASC'ers.



Then there's ASC (Anti-Saberist Code).

Which means anything goes, and if you do some kind of lame ass bow and you get a DFA on your head, don't whine about it. Anyone, anywhere, is a potential target and source of an easy kill. If you are typing something in and are helpless, you are fodder for an ASC'er.



SC'ers are more into the role-playing aspect.

ASC'ers are into the scoring points aspect, period (and they think that the arbitrary set of SC rules are lame)



Then there is a third, less popular code called NSC (Neutral Saberist Code) which is the one I ascribe to for the most part. That's essentially just a set of guidelines that just ask you to respect the type of game others are playing. If there is a FFA server with others standing around with their sabers off, not fighting, but watching a duel or whatnot, don't jump in with guns blazing and saber swinging, just respect the type of game they are playing. You wanna blow someone up, go find a more active FFA server.


My personal rules run as follows....


Saber off does NOT equal peace if I'm attacked in ANY way, ie being kicked, having the Force used on me, etc, OR if we WERE just fighting, and now my opponent is running around picking up health and shields.


I don't attack anyone who can't defend themselves due to either lag or use of the console or when typing something in. But I am also wary of them, as they could be an ASC'er luring me in, waiting for me to turn my back on them.


I will defend myself with all the tools available, guns, saber, and Force, and I do not grant mercy. If you are unfortunate enough to be standing beside a bottomless pit, I WILL try to push you in.


If someone types "wait" in the middle of a pitched fight, tough, chances are they are just playing for time to get their Force pool back up.


I don't get mad. I'll compliment others after a good fight or if sniped from across the map, because those are good uses of the tools available. I won't compliment a backstab whore. I'll remember their name, and come looking for some revenge.



I'm sure I have other rules I play by as well, but I'd say that those are the core ones.

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Ill bow or Nod to begin duels


I wont attack non-hostiles that have there saber drawn but not turned on.


I wont generally take easy kills,(knocking enemy down and cutting them, or pushing them off a ledge,etc) This rule changes upon how honorable a player im fighting goes though.


Ill wait for people to unlag, or answer the phone, tie there shoes, whatever.


Ill let people get out of pits theyve fallen in saftly(e.g backaway and turn off saber, wait for them to get back up, nod and then continue the fight)


I wont use red stance ever.... but thats just me


and thats pretty much the core of my ethics as far as duel goes and this applys on FFA somewhat as well.

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basically don't spam moves, don't attack when saber off, unless they attacking you


the symbol above head meaning typing or changing something also is a no attack


most people bow before duels


like you said, force fights considered cheap



follow server rules is a MUST

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