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anyone notice that sv_maxRate doesn't seem to do anything. I have my maxRate set to 6000 but when I do a "status" I see people with a 25000 rate of course if enough people connect like this is gets laggy (due to my line being full) Am I using the wrong varible for this or is it broken or is status broken?



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Status reports what the clients have set for their maxrate. The actual rate that is used is the lower of their rate or the sv_maxrate. So, if your server gets laggy when a bunch of people connect, it's because your connection can't handle that many players at the sv_maxrate you have set.

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Originally posted by MatrixCPA

Status reports what the clients have set for their maxrate. The actual rate that is used is the lower of their rate or the sv_maxrate. So, if your server gets laggy when a bunch of people connect, it's because your connection can't handle that many players at the sv_maxrate you have set.


I don't know...I used to run a Counter-Strike server with a maxrate setting of 7000 and 12 players. I had no lag problems with this. Now with my JK2 server, I set the maxrate to 10000 with 5 players max and it lag spikes a lot. Also, I connect to this server via my LAN, and others connect from the Internet. My LAN client's maxrate setting is 10000 too, but my LAN client gets the lag spikes even though I have a 100mbit connection.


I am using the dedicated .exe server I downloaded separately.

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