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Pre-pk3 questions


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I just wanted to get something clear before I actually compile my final map (in a year or so) and throw it in a pk3: Do I need include any textures, models, and other items not found in assets0.pk3 or will that be included in the compiled map?

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I don't think you need to include the models, but the textures on the models are needed as well. From what I remember a long time ago on the ef boards models seem to be included in the bsp. The textures of the models are needed though.

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any custom textures and anything not found in the assets0.pk3, assets1.pk3 and assets2.pk3 must be placed in the pk3 with your map, else none of your textures will show up. :p


unikorn has a point about the models, they're included in the assets pk3s so you don't need to put them in your pk3 unless you have a custom model with custom texturing and then of course it does.



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I have custom models and the skins that are called up by a file with the extension .qc. Which in turn is pointing the skin to /base/models/Ships *.jpg.

Will the skins appear in the game if I add the Models, and the skins with the path /base/models/Ships?

Since I have the models, and skins in the same directory


How would the structure be for the pk3 file?


This is including adding the load up picture, models, skins, textures, sounds, and any additional assets.


Any examples would be great. I just want to get this right the first time. :D Having a little problem figuring out Pk3Man. :) Learning curve is a tough cookie. But getting the hang. :D

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