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please help me


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how do i set a duel with bots with no force power except jump at maximum?

i don't want to use heal or other powers cause i like simple saber duels.. but i want also to make jumps cause they re just too fun!

in pubblic servers i have found a lot of server with some power avaiable and some not..

so i think that there s a way to define EXACTLY whic powers are allowed and wich not..


i am only able to switch ALL THE POWERS off..

sadly even jump..



i know that this is the board to make servers.. but on the general boards noone knows how to do that but i ve seen on many servers jump enabled while other force power like push or pull turned off..





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First off, you need to have updated the server to v1.03. Once you do that, you can just add the following to your config:


seta g_forcePowerDisable "163837"


That would leave Saber Attack, Saber Defense and Jump.


If you really want EVERYTHING off but Jump, that would be:


seta g_forcePowerDisable "262141"

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