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Nick Gardener

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I have done the bar part, and the the building where you jump onto the roofand activate the bridge.I have moved up and killed bad guys in the floating ship but cant seem to jump onto it! Am I missing something? Have tried force jump/speed/pull but always seem to die.Is this the way to go or is there another way?I have even tried jumping the high broken bridge but have found nothing up there.Beg Beg grovel grovel I need guidance.:atat:

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This one is all a matter of timing. You have to watch the floating car, and wait till it drifts as close to you as it's going to. This is when you jump. Oh, and getting off of it is just as much fun. So once you make the car, save the game before you try to jump off of it...


~Nomad WR~


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You dont need to kill everyone in the ship first. I actually just weaved through the fire and jumped onto the ship when all 3 guys were still alive and kill them all in one lightsaber swipe when I landed.


Just run a lil past the back window to avoid the first sniper shot, then back up a lil and side flip onto the ledge. You can wait there as long as you want. When your ready just run out into fire and dont stop running till your own the ship. Speed might help but I didnt use it. Just remember to strafe run around so you dont get hit. I strafe ran tword the center of the ledge facing the boat and before I was going to fall off I kinda did a semi circle tword the ship, putting me right in the spot you need to be to continue running and jump to the ship.


Just make sure you get the the spot closest to the ship and jump right when your about to fall off the edge.

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