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Compile problems, yet again


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whenever I try to compile my .map file I get a weird error message.

SoF2Map v1.0c (c) 2000 Raven Software Inc.

---- BSP ----
Unspecified error - please contact John or Rick.

SoF2Map v1.0c (c) 2000 Raven Software Inc.

---- Vis ----
Unspecified error - please contact John or Rick.

SoF2Map v1.0c (c) 2000 Raven Software Inc.

----- Lighting ----
Unspecified error - please contact John or Rick.

This happends if I use the built-in GtkRadiant commands, or my own custom written BAT file.


I've tried everything, uninstalled Jedi Outcast, GtkRadiant and re-installed them all back, so there should be no conflicts of versions. I have also double checked the qe4 file, to make sure all the paths are correct and tried both single and multiplayer build modes. Here is the command line I am currently using (Trying to compile the sample *.map files)

E:\JEDIOU~1\GameData\Radiant/sof2map -bsp "E:/Jedi Outcast/GameData/base/maps/ctf_bespin.map"
E:\JEDIOU~1\GameData\Radiant/sof2map -vis "E:/Jedi Outcast/GameData/base/maps/ctf_bespin.map"
E:\JEDIOU~1\GameData\Radiant/sof2map -light "E:/Jedi Outcast/GameData/base/maps/ctf_bespin.map"

I've also tried of using long and short filenames, which makes no difference for the process; everytime that same stupid "unspecified error".


I am losing hope here of making JK2 maps. Before I could not even run the JK2Radiant, because it would give me illegal operation every time I launched it.. And now this compile problem?


I mean damn, how hard is it for me to start mapping :confused:

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I had that error too once. It is because there is something wrong with your map, not because there is something wrong with radiant. I don't remember what it was that was wrong in my map when I got the error, so I guess I can't help much. I do remember it was something small and stupid (not stupid that it gave the error, but stupid that I made that mistake).

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Ok, I hope this will be helpful to all of you, who have similar problem to me (Rare I guess).


I traced the problem to code-error of the Raven programmer. It seems that somehow, there is a hardcoded paths in the compile process. I did not have (Too long story WHY) C:/ drive mapped in my computer, and it seems that even though the paths in the compiler were correct, that it still tried to access the C:/ drive, for some unknown reason.


Well, I did some small re-partioning just to test this out, and after I had C:/ drive mapped, the compiler finnished the job without any complaints.


It also fixed the illegal operation at the JK2Radiant (and other tools) start-up.

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