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WIP Space Marine


Which Chapter?  

35 members have voted

  1. 1. Which Chapter?

    • Space Wolves
    • Imperial Fists
    • Dark Angles
    • Blood Angles
    • Ultra Marine

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I have been working on this model for a while. Some of you will remeber the thread I posted before asking if it would be OK to post models from outside the starWars Universe.... Anyway... This is what I consider to be a finished mesh. I plan to start skinning it soon and would like to know what chapter you guys would like to see?


These are the chapters I think would be best suited for JO. If you have any futher suggestions please post them. I plan to make more than one skin as time goes on but the first one is what will be released with the model I guess.

Space Wolves

Dark Angles

Imperial Fits

Blood Angles

Ultra Marines


*Note this model being completed for MP hinges on the fact that I will be able to do custom animations. If the SDK comes out and we can't do animations then I it will be a static model you will be able to put into maps that are made :( but even that is flexable...

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first of all: the model looks really great. i am a space marine player, i mean at warhammer 40k tabletop. and the ultramarines are my absolutely favourite chapter. so of course do them first. but soon or later i would like to see all of these you mentioned, maybe you even want to do the "Legion of the damned" or the "Black templars".

just keep it up, this could be a really great mod. and so i hope, you can do custom animations soon.

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I think a Dark Angel with their robe-thingy would look cool!


otherwise, go for an Ultra-Moron.


somebody really should do a howling banshee, or Maugan Ra (hm, perhaps not... his reaper might be hard to do). Asurmen would kick ass!

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about the animations: cant you just bind it to the current ones? things like storm troopers are also quite armoured so there should be some anims u can use somewhere.

can we use this model in our upcoming 40k tc plz? if you get it working, that is. after all, why make a new one if theres such a good one out already? also, are you doing a version with a helmet? that would also be kool, and helpful for our mod if u are willing to let us use it!

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I am trying to get the mesh attached to the skeleton as I write this. He has a basic texture on him that is all blue. This way if I have to change the mesh I won't have to re-skin him. When I see how it looks with the default animations I will know if I can tweak the model to fit. I think I will try to make him fit becuase it doesn't look like there is any way of doing custom animations. He is bulkier (<--- is that even a word?) than any model even the storm troopers :( But I guess I will know if it works soon enough.


About using him in the 40k TC: When I release him he will have a readme.txt that will need to be included with the model. He can be used for whatever anyone wants as long as the read me is with the model :)



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The mesh is much better than it was in the previous post. I would think it would be use in mplayer cause it will get deformed (im sure) but if you cant get him in mplayer put im in single.


Give him the insignias of a psycher and it'l explain force powers :)


and ect


chaplain would be nice


I say Darkangels but dont add robes as it is impossible to animate them properly and have it look realistic, unless you have them static like boba fett cloak :(

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thanks V!G, that'll save us a lot of work. and yes, there is such a word as bulkier. as for custom animations, can they be done my making anim frames in 3dsmax and then exporting all the frames instead of one? when used with the xsi exporter, i mean. might this work? just a thought.


bradfu: although this 40K TC im working on with a few mates is going to start off as player model/weapons etc in the first release, we're planning to do a massive sp storyline eventually. if u'd be interested in helping out at some point (and god knows we need all the help we can get - 20+ levels and 50+ models planned, plus cutscenes, and mayB some new multiplayer features), drop me a line at mat_howe@hotmail.com

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wot FBF has failed 2 realise is the the 3 of us with a school life to balance has no time 2 do 20+ levels and 50+ models WHEN NONE OF US CAN MAP OR ANAIMATE to any level of decency....

wot do u plan 2 do now howe?



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ok suits me

wot do we need? MANPOWER!!!

wot have we got? 3 incompitant (yes that includes me) gamers who want 2 do a big time mod

we have over 20 maps 2 do along with weapon models and anamations, marines, chaos marines and demons and someother things 2 and item 2 do

so far we have a mostly finished 1 kilapoly bolter (by me) and apartenly matt is doing a HUD

so any1 who can map, model, skin, anamate and just about nething else would b helpful

steg55@hotmail.com mat_howe@hotmail.com rob_wat_@hotmail.com http://www.btinternet.com/~howe_alison/brothers/



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When I read the reply regarding black templars, it reminded me that GW released a limited edition "Emperor's Champion" model (I don't mean the one you can buy on their website). I can't seem to find a pic of it but that model was BAD-ASS!


someone really should make that guy...

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Just a quick update for those that are interested...

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OK you can continue to vote if you want but the first chapter is set. Ultramarines, love or leave em they are the first chapter by popular demand. I am still getting everything tagged, and weighted. Wieghting, what a pain in the arse that is... but it is going along.


I had to push a few verts around to get him to fit on the root.xsi skeleton :( so he lost a little of his proud stance :( But since I can't do animations it will have to do.


I have come down with a cold and stayed home from work today. It's kinda good I caught the cold, becuase it gave me time to get ahead on the Space Marine. But I didn't get much rest and don't feel that much better. So I might have to stay home tomorrow... but this time really rest and not dink around on the computer (in the drafty part of the house)


well just thought I would update so you know I am still alive and workin :)


Oh yeah one more question since you guys are so great at giving feedback :) Should I put in battle damage or take it out? Marines are kinda prim and proper about thier armor and from what I have read they don't let it stay scratched for long?



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make 2 versions



1) with HELMET and Damage the normal marine ;)


2)without helmet no Damage the commander couse the "commanders" often stay behind the lines right? lol i would do if i were a Comm. :D


looks really good by now ! keep it going and hope you get healthy angain m8



Cya Sxep



BTW: are you making a Helmet ? would be cooler for my part ;)




PS(lol): When your further in progress could you post a Pix of the complet model? not only the shoulder, when you get more done ofcourse!

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Commanders r normally smack bang (literaly) in the middle of the combat

mine is confronted by more heavy weapons than i can count and still stares them down and takes out manytime his own value in troops and vechials

nice job BTW



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:Skinning Update:

Someone asked for screen shots of the full model now that it fits the jk2 skeleton. I wanted to wait until I had more skinned before eating up everyones bandwidth with screens :p


So far I have him Segmented, Cap'ed & Tagged. I still have joint weighting and the rest of the skin to do... but it's coming along. I manged to drop the poly count down to 2239. This will give me a few more polys when I make a helmet'ed version later on :) anywho enough chatter here is the screen...


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BTW the idea to make 40K weapon replacements for all the jedi knight2 weapon models, is a really good one! Too bad I have my hands full right now with this model :(

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