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How on this great planet do i create maps?


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I have been trying off and on and i cannot figure any of this out. Its driving me nutz seriously...also downloaded some skins and they dont work i dont know if im doing it right.....but if you are someone who doesnt mind taking a little while and teaching a padawan how to make maps...id really appreciate it. AOL IM is ADM802 and yahoo is CUM_ONN so if someone can spare some time in helping a noob @ map making ill umm....illlll well i guess only thing i can do is be gratefull.


name in game = America's Reach:jawa

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The second link is a REALLY easy to understand tutorial to use and the first one has a TON of stuff on it....i use both of them...

mind you, i am not that good yet, and i do not have a ton of time to play around here, but in a few weeks its getting really easy...

i am making a SP map...so thats alot longer and in depth than MP....

The best thing to do is go to Bubba's Tutorial, and do the make your first room link....this way you can just figure out the editor alot easier...then just keep on goin!!!

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While you're at it... I just started recently and I'm using JK2radient. If you go to the help menu, there's a list of commands that will make you a lot less stressed out.




And what's your prob with skins? Just take the .pk3 file (don't bother unpacking it) and put it in your base folder.

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