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If Obi-Wan Kenobi was a JKII Multiplayer Cryer...


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He would have said the following in his Lightsaber duels!


EPISODE 1. Qui-Gon Jinn/Obi-Wan Kenobi vs Darth Maul


Kenobi: No Fair Maul you cheap ass! You used Backstab on Qui-Gon! Asswipe!



Episode 2. Obi-Wan Kenobi/Anakin Skywalker vs Count Dooku


Kenobi: You cheap ass Dooku! You used Backsweep and push on Anakin! Learn some saber skills!!!!



Episode 4: Obi-Wan Kenobi vs Darth Vader


Kenobi: Vader you cheap ass! I was typing something when you killed me! LOSER!

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Lol I know. I thought that was the funniest thing in episode one when darth maul was running at qui-gon backwards and he kept backstabbing. That was hilarious. And when count dooku force pulled anakin on the ground and did a backsweep. lol those jedi suck. Guess which finger this is. :tsk:


:darth: Darth Maul says "Don't try and make me seem as lame as you spam monkies."

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Originally posted by Vestril



Too funny, especially the type kill...


heh thought: obi-wan and vader must ahve been useing 1.02c, cos obi had no chat sign over his head:D


also had they been useing 1.03 that slash would not have been a kill shot:D

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ya see...that Dooku guy uses Stromg style, where Maul obviously used THEDESTROYER cheat(he IS a Sith, they cheat). Now Obi-wan used to be a Light style guy, but after seeing Qui-gon try to injest a lightsaber externally, he switched to Medium. As for the Darthiest Anakin, he uses all three, but he's setlevel_5!


Luke...just plain lucky. Still trying to figure his dumb ass out. Kills a wampa-ok, "dismembers" a wampa, taps his pop on the shoulder in one fight, cuts off his pop's mechno-hand in another, whips up on plenty of NPCs on a sailbarge, but has yet to show any real "STYLE." oh yeah, he cut off his "own" head in a force vision. wow.


The way I see it, all the people who complain about people USING THE GIVEN INSTRUMENTS OF DEATH are all just Luke-loyalists with zero-little skill and have yet to figure out the basics.

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Guest Kensai

Yes, as a matter of fact there is a Jar-Jar patch!


I only saw a report about it on the news, but some folks cut out the Jar-Jar specific scenes, edited him out of the remaining footage, and called what was left "Episode 1 version 2.0" for realease over the web. Don't know any more than that, though. Sorry. Anyone else know more?

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