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Tips For New Jedi


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*you can force push missles back at their owners

*you can avoid getting knocked down. you can avoid many pushes and pulls by standing still. your balance is best when you are standing on both legs. if your light side, absorb will keep you from getting pushed down, if you get pushed down try using protect, you might survive a backstab. And if your dark side, and you happen to get pushed down, activating dark rage is a good idea, because you can't die in dark rage.

* think you get pushed and pulled around too much if you are a dark jedi? try draining other peoples force power.

*Ran out of ammo? force pull the weapon out of someone elses hand.. if it knocks them down. go for a backstab. you cant pull the weapons out of someones hand when they are using absorb.


can anyone think of any more tips? if i think of any more i will post them here.

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