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WIP - Jedi Order Temple

Master Shawn

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Well, it is night time, and its lit by flickering fire, so, at some point in the flickering it goes all dark, I have compensated with a few normal light entities, I hope it brightens it up a little, this is turning into a huge map, expect a possible 15Mb file, but boy is this map gonna rock:D :cool: :cool: :cool: :cool: :cool::D:fett:

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First let me say this is a nice looking map, which has obviously had a great deal of hard work put into it. I wouldn't post ANY comment if I didn't like it. Now for the critisism.


The candle chandelier things..... Ugh.. I don't know what they look like in motion but it can't be much better than the screens shots. The texture on the candle itself should fade to a darker yellow lower down the candle. And what are those dancy lights about? The chandeliers themselves are lit weirdly, I THINK you have a light entity in the center of them which makes their inside edge GLOW and their outside edge seem black. maybe use more light entities with less light placed ON the candles??


You seem to have avoided using patch meshes/bevels/endcaps. I think those fire holding bowls (V-secksy) use a mesh but thats about it. Those computer terminals and seats in the err library area (next to the only bit lit with green) NEED some curvey edges NEED NEED NEED.


Apart from that beautiful texture alignment wonderful detail and the fire-pyramid is impressive. One small concern about all that fire... Is there a way that you could have the fire animations start on diffrent frames of the animation (maybe a phase command in the shader??) if they all look EXACTLY the same it will look very artificial. (looking at the screens again it looks like you might have delt with that already somehow)


This is a realy nice map and as such if you DON'T want can't be bothered to make the cpu terminals curvey (the bit that bugs me the most) make a prefab of them and send it to me and I'LL do it. (A measure of how much I like you map)


You can find my E-mail address here:




the thread also funnily enough has my map in it :p


I hope this didn't come of condecending as my mapping skills are probably weaker than yours, I was aiming more for constructive critisism. If you want revenge :swear: comment on the four screens I posted of my map (I need some critisism)



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Thank you for the criticism, and no, i dont want curves or bevels in my map for a few reasons. One of them is that the bevel texture is lighter than the main textures, causing conflict. I know the lighting isnt all that good, im working on it, and those chandeliers will be deleted soon anyway so dont worry about them. No, fire is all by itself, I dont know anyway to make them look different. Oh, and for refrence, that "library" is the temples Jedi Archives. I've recently had some problems with the compiling of the map and such, I hope it will work itself out. I've paused mapping for a bit until I can get my custom saber hilt working.

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