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Are you building SP map(s) ????


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Is it going to be Indoor or Outdoor map ??? (i prefer indoor)


Is it going to be Arena type "one room" map where you

fight again some siths or loards or stormtrooppers and... ???


Or is going to be versatile Action/Adventure map ??? (i prefer this)


Is it going to be empire style (shield generators, blastdoors, hangars..., stormtrooppers..) bit like in deathstar... ???

(yess yess ?)


If you have seen that Imperial base map (i think its GREAT)

does you map have "same style" ???




When your map is going to be ready (days, weeks, months,.. ??)

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Well, I'm doing a sp-level which takes place mainly around the two hangars of an ISD. You are in the first hangar, your ship is in the other and you have to make your way to your ship. You'll have to find ways to disable forcefields or open the hangar doors to finally escape.

I also think about including the bridge of the Executor, which I made for a duel map before, would look like this:




Perhaps you could fight Vader there, who knows...


Umm, the release. I must say that first of all such a map with all the ICARUS scripting I want to include fo course takes its time, but I also don't have much time to work on the map, so I don't know a release date for now.

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I actually have the beginnings of a very complex SP map taking place on Bespin a few years after the events of JK2. Standard fare level... investigate rumors of a Remnant base only to discover a Dark Jedi sort of thing...except I do have some neat ideas for event scripting that will make it very interesting to play in.


I halted that project as the scrpting tools weren't out yet and instead took up my side project, duel_kamino.


But that will be what I move to next after my current project is completed.

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well, my map will be 5% outside in a marsh and the rest underground....

Its going to be Imperial style, but, more an Outpost/ labs kinda thing than Death Starish...yes there will be a small hangar.. i'm not too sure about normal looking shield generators, but, i am having one big cavern and a BIg Geo-thermal type reactor suspended in the center of it....

My backstory is set after the game....and the Remnant is on this totally obscure planet...and doing dealings with smugglers and pirates just to stay in business....

I'll also have mini puzzles to make it interesting, and key cards.... backtracking through areas and such....nothing complex, just enough to be a small pain.....

Mine should be done in a few weeks...but i have work... and i get really tired when i come home and can't think straight and all..lol... DAMN HOME DEPOT....lol

I'm also still toying with Radiant... leanring stuff...

Just in case you are wondering... i want kyle to start with a saber and medium attack style.... and like jump 2 push and pull and heal...

Also Also wik..... If any of you above know anything about skins... I am looking for beat up stormtroopers.... dirty, dented... are there any like this?

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I'm working on Ladder 2 (yeah... I know. Copying someones work is stupid), which is going to be outdoors completely. Except the beginning...


Anyways, originally I began making a map that I would learn the basics and some advanced stuff on Radiant. At the end, it seems that I got so excited about the whole thing that I decided to make a short SP level and while Ladder was a lot of fun, I made a unofficial sequel to it.


Outdoor environments are all done, maybe some tweaking and some stuff left. I'm learning ICARUS scripting now, if I could make the Reborn jump down from the roofs and just not appear from air.


I'm not going to say it's going to be better than The Ladder because this is my first map ever made Quake 3 engine game.

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Making new SP sereis will be called The Story of a Jedi. I plan to have it include a few twists and turns. It starts off in an Imperial Fuel Station (Imp style) but once I learn more I hope it will lead to more outddor maps too. It will be realesed in instalments as I complete them.

(little hint: :clone: )

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I and a nother guy are working on a mod called


were still in pre-production stages but when every thing is sorted out story , project stages , map plans , game design ( how the game will look THE TEXTURES ) . We will post some offers for some mappers , script guys , and skinners.



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