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Backstab defeats Protect?


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It seems to be so. I usually play lightside with Absorb and Protect. I use Absorb frequently and Protect basically to save myself at the last minute if someone is about to get a killer blow past my defenses. The last few games I've been playing, though, it seems that backstab (the fast style one, not backsweep) kills me even though I have Protect on. Can anyone confirm this?

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I really don't see what's to decide there, dude. Heal gives your 25 points for half your force pool. At that's at rank three! At rank one, half your force pool nets you FIVE health points. Eep! That just ain't right.


Mind trick can hide you from everyone on the server. In duels, you don't even have to get it up to level 3 for it to be effective... level 1 will hide you for twenty seconds, which is more than enough time to finish the duel.


The difference between levels of Mind Trick is not it's effetiveness, rather how long and from who. At level 2, you're hidden for 25 seconds from everyone you has line of sight with, and at level 3 you're hidden for 30 seconds from everyone that wants to hurt you. In a duel, there's only one person, so just put it at level one.

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I found my notes on protect. :)


Protect, at level 3, will block 87.5% of damage sent your way. It will deduct 25% of this damage from your force pool. So, if you're dueling and you only have ten health left, protect will absorb most of the damage, but enough of it will still get throug to kill you.


Try teaming Dark Rage + Speed to get up really quickly and backstab them first.



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Still, you'd be surprised how few people put points in Force Sight. If I have any leftover I generally put it in Force Speed because it tends to be more useful. When Heal used to be 50 hp for 25 points in 1.02, it was unmatched, but now on Jedi Master I use Absorb and Mind Trick. I use primarily Strong saber style (except for certain situations), and it's always good fun to Mind Trick and "show yourself" with a nice overhead chop for 100 damage :)


I'm thinking, though, of trying a dark side combo with level 1 Drain thrown in. Level 1 Drain does a one-shot burst of 20 force cost to you and the victim and gives you 20 hp. Gives you a little more control over how much force power you use up with Drain, since level 3 tends to suck you dry pretty quickly. Maybe level 1 Lightning too. Hit with level 1 Lightning, level 1 Drain, then grab with level 3 Grip and smash them into some walls and then at the end of your Grip give 'em a good Force Jump/Force Push 50 miles into the air for falling damage. Lots of fun :)

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I always try to take AT LEAST one level in Seeing. I'm an Counter-Strike veteran, and if there's one thing I know, wallhackers can score incredible kills (thankfully that's more or less been weeded out...).


Force Seeing = Game-Sanctioned Wallhack


Seeing invisible people is okay, I guess. SEEING PEOPLE THROUGH WALLS AND AROUND CORNERS!? Geez, c'mon, how amazingly cool is that? Admittedly it's better on a guns-enabled server (plant explosives when you see someone coming), but it's still most impressive on its own. And level 2 seeing gives you plenty of range.

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I thought level 1 mind trick only gave you about 5 seconds of invis?

I normally use level 2, which gives me plenty of time to do whatever I please and does not take much force to use.


Level 2 sight is very nice, gives you a great deal more range, my setup gives me 5 leftover points so I put it into sight.


Mind trick is very hard to use because it makes the loudest sound possible (in my opinion!) so anyone listening carefully can counter it in seconds. Using mind trick with careful evasion (you'd be surprised how easy it is to hide with your saber turned off!) is great for making someone paranoid enough to waste mana trying to find you.

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all you really have to do if you don't have a point in sight is to jump around like crazy, roll, dive, wall walk and everything...they won't be able to get in a half decent attack...definatly won't be able to pull off a backstab if your moving around like crazy (especially if you have speed, all the better)

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I prefer to turn my saber off and just listen to their footsteps.. very few people know how to use stealth to sneak up on people and many are so foolish as to leave their saber on when they go invisible. Just listen very carefully and assume that they are trying to close the distance from where they went invisible to come backstab you... estimate how long it would take to close that distance and listen for footsteps from the appropriate side. Once you think they are about to attempt it then you can either try to catch them with your own backstab, roll away and do a pull towards where you came from and catch them like that (most will swing their saber getting up, revealing themselves) throw your saber in a circle around yourself. I've caught many a would-be invisible bs'er just by being patient and listening. :D

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If you move around jumping and crap you would pull you to the ground so quick you wont know what hit you. that might work on noobs but an experienced player can pull you to the ground as soon as you land on your feet or roll close to them. Dont forget Push either. roll or jump near me and your as good as backstabbed. experienced players will stay on the ground and use sight. Its really your only option if you dont want to risk getting pulled or push. Or you could use absorb and then you could jump and roll all crazy.


also full health with protect on and 25 shields will not save you from a backsweep. This move can do over 300 damage. my suggestion is get out of the way or dont put yourself in that postion to begin with.

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Well the only truly silent move you can do is move while crouched, you just have to take the risk in making noise. It's important to never let your opponent see you go invisible and its highly recommended that you wait til the opponent is doing something noisy (turning on absorb or protect) and won't notice the invis "BONG" sound. As all powers, it should be a supplement to a player and not a crutch that the player cannot fight without.

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