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Scorpius - First Test Shot


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Here's an early test shot of something I threw together in a few minutes just to see if it would work. I was thinking that I'd like to get some opinions before I continue any further on it.




Right now I'm using the bald jedi model as a base. I feel that of all the available models it has the most potential.

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Well as a farscape feind I would say it looks exelent so far. would be nice to have a model to go with him better though. But I doubt there would be anyone out there willing to just through on just the claoths you need to an existing model even.:(

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Thanks! Ya don't get feedback like that everyday. Carefull, I might get a swelled head.




But,... right now I'm starting to lay out the general design of the upper torso. It's not much to look at, but it should show the direction I'm going in.




The only thing I can think of that I can't fake with textures are his tails, so I''ve decided not to try to include them.

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what did u use to veiw that skin and take a pic of it? i am trying to find out so i can see my skin :) also if anyone can explain better to me how u supposed to get a Icon for the skin if only one computer works with this game and u dont have a veiwer?

thx for your feedback guys

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You mean something a bit more like this?




As I said, the first shot was just a test to see if it could be done with this particular model. Now I'm convinced that it can be,...


I'm starting up with more of the finer details, pounding out the original marking lines I originally drew in. There's still a very long way to go.

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  • 2 weeks later...

HAPSLASH - It is my opinion that you are evil. You tease us with all these amazing looking skins but never release them. I mean come on! Between the Hoth rebels, your Farscape set (now adding this guy to them), and Bespin Luke.. aaarggh!!


Please understand I'm just being sarcastic and really meaning to come off good-natured but seriously, when are you gonna drop at least one of these sweet jams on us?


EDIT: Doh! You see what I mean? I just now noticed that I overlooked your sweet Spidey skin too!!

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Actually,... I AM EVIL!!!!




But seriously, the main reason I usually don't get around to releasing them is because I either run into technical problems that have yet to be worked out, I'm not completely satisfied with what I've gotten done yet, or I just haven't had the time.


Lately though, I've been busy working on a twi-lek skin for spacermonkey's Aayla model. But now that I'm done with that, I'm going to finish up my Bespin Luke and send him in. Then I'll start back on the Farscape skins.

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