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Is there a problem with NVIDIA GeForce2+ cards and Jedi Knight 2? I can't seem to play very long without it locking up on me. :(


I've tried many GeForce2 cards with the latest drivers (both reference and non reference) to no avail.


However, I have found something out. The game doesn't lockup with a GeForce2 MX400, but it does with any other full blown GeForce (GeForce2 GTS, GeForce3 Ti, etc).


I have tried fiddling with the acceleration settings for both the sound and video and no results..


How do I fix this? I really want to use a more powerful video card than a MX version..

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Could someone please post the most stable configuration they've found for a geforce card? I have a geforce4 4400 Ti, and have had all the typical crashes and lockups, which seem to be getting worse as I advance in the game. I've tried all the permutations of Win98SE and Me using drivers from 27.70 up to 29.41 with no luck (though the 27.70's seem better than others). I'm considering XP or 2000 - would either benefit? The game readily crashes on my laptop as well, which is running 2000, so I'm somewhat weary of an upgrade.


It seems silly that no one has fixed this yet - more people own nvidia cards than any other brand, so the developers really ought to be working on this. Has anyone received a response from lucasarts tech support?


Thanks in advance.

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Let me guess, you're all running Win XP, right? Well most people on XP have problems, and that's because XP sucks. I haven't heard of any of these problems on any other OS, so don't blame Raven, blame Microsoft.

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No, I was actually asking if it would benefit to try something besides Win98SE or Me, which I've already used to no avail.


While I'm not a big fan of Microsoft (I only run Windows for games and Powerpoint), I was hoping for a response other than "your problem is MS such-and-such sucks." I'm well aware of that.


That being said, could you please direct me to a place where I can download the Linux or BeOS or even MacOS version of this game? As far as I can tell, the client versions are only supported in Windows.


(Oh, my original request for a successful OS + nvidia driver configuration still stands).

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WinXP rocks...it works great, it's stable. At least it works with my GeForce2 MX400 card. But it freezes and locks up randomly with any other full blown GeForce card...


what gives..


of course I tried all driver version to no avail..

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Two computers with NVIDIA cards running it, both with ASUS Geforce2 GTS's. One Windows 2000, one WinXP Pro. Both have yet to crash ONCE and both run it very fast and perfectly stably with no issues whatsoever.


I'd recommend using 2000 or maybe XP (if you want). Make sure you have ALL OF THE WINDOWS UPDATES AND SERVICE PACKS (very important!), DirectX 8.1, good drivers, etc.


Also remember that these crashes and lockups can as easily be sound or network issues as video ones.

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I posted this already in a similar thread, but what the heck.. :p


Whoever told you Windows XP sucks for games either:


- Had a warez copy of a beta version thinking he was running the final one..


- Hasn't even tried it.


- Had HW incompatible with Windows XP.


- Didn't bother to download drivers, updates, etc..



With very little effort (much less than with any other M$ OS) you can have a kickass rig, that won't show you BSOD, and will give always comparable framerates to Win 9x (and most of the times higher).


If that is what they call "Windows XP sucks", I hope M$'s next OS sucks even more ;)



As for the Nvidia woes, I can only say that in my 2nd rig, the game run reasonably stable on a system with a Geforce 2 MX.. it DID crash once in a while, but only between missions in MP (Windows XP Pro).. if I had to say something I bet it wasn't a graphic problem..

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No, WinXP is great for games, way better than 98.


Win2000 is also great for games ad contraty to popular belief, it has pretty much the exact same features as WinXP Pro. Yes, Microsoft pulled another "Let's repackage Win2000 Pro with all the updates and make the menu blended and such and resell it as WinXP Pro". The two operating systems are almost exactly the same, except thet WinXP still has some compatibility issues and also WinXP treats you like an idiot.


Either of the two operating systems is WAY *WAY* better than Win98. Windows 2000 has pretty much always been much better, but it was never advertised as a "Gaming" OS, and it originally had a few compatibility issues as well (pre-SP2). Do yourself a favour and get the higher-end operating systems now. Avoid WinME, Win98 and XP Home, unless you enjoy instability and the stupidest networking code EVER.

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In the readme for Jk2, it recommends the 23.11 driver set *I think*. Check the readme to be sure. Also, you may have to change your AGP setting from 4x to 2x in your bios. And try running at 800x600 or lower. Turn off overclocking if you're using it... Update your VIA 4in1 drivers if you're using AMD... all these and other solutions were described in a thread called "Freazing..." in the technical help forum. Good luck!

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