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a few questions:


1. In BehaveEd some of the things say "Include Error!!!" in them. is this normal or is something wrong with it? it doesnt seem to be working right


2. how do I put scripts i make into my level, and what decides when they are executed?


3. Are there any other icarus2 resources out there? i've looked around and couldnt find anything.

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1 - Not a clue - ask in the mapping forum - you'll have more luck, and probably get answers quicker :D


2 - Lots of ways, but I don't understand most of them enough to explain (yet) :( ...Again, ask in the mapping forum - Xcom is a regular there, and he really seems to know his stuff when it comes to scripting :)


3 - Not likely - it's proprietary to Raven, and it's not been out long... I'm sure there'll be more on it soon, though...


HTH a bit :)

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1. :confused:


2. one way is to build a target_scriptrunner in your map, add the key usescript and as the value your script (e.g. test/walk.ibi).

When you now give your info_player_start the scriptrunner as a target, your script will be run when you spawn into the map (=at the very beginning).


You can also run scripts inside another script with the command "run" inside BehavED


You can run a script with a trigger_multiple or trigger_once entity inside the Radiant, just link the trigger to the target_scriptrunner (same way as for the first method).


You can run a script with a target_counter, if you want the script to be run after a couple of things happened.


All in all you just need a target_scriptrunner, which you can activate by almost everything you can think of.



Another way to use scripts is inside the entity-setup of NPCs. you can give every NPC e.g. a spawnscript, run when the NPC is spawned or a deathscript, if you for example want to end a level after someone's death. The spawnscript is useful for e.g. setting an NPC's behaviour state when it is spawned.



Umm, this is all I remember for now, hope it helps!

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