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quit whining


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Originally posted by icefox98

Your joking, right? trying to cop out by saying, oh im just the messenger? I really hope your joking. Thats like being in the KKK and saying, oh its all true what i say, but hey, dont hate me, im just a messenger. Nice try and a cop out, better luck next time. Im sure there was some greater outside force acting on you to post that. Go make fun of disabled people somewhere else.


P.S. Oh Digl....I would think a ban would be in order.


Pfft, I don't need to "cop out" of anything, it is YOU who is narrow minded, and apparenty extremly stupid when it comes to these things too heh. Everyone can take it as he wants, however since I didn't take it that way, you can go assume pretty much anything you want.


A ban? ROFL, you gotta be kidding me.

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Yea please ban this moron =SSC=Kal-El


That kind of humor has no place on any public forum no matter how trivial. It doesn't matter how YOU took the joke Kal-El or in what way you meant it.


If you truly think that every argument on the Internet is worthless then why don't you leave and go polute some other medium.


Perhaps, most of us realize that it does not matter what the outcome of the argument is and that it will most likely have no effect on what happens in the real world. Perhaps, most of us like to play games and post on forums just as a brief escape from the real world becuase its fun. Most people don't come here to spew personal insults and to make fun of disabled people. We come here to talk about a fictional game and then we go back to our real lives and anything that happened here doesn't matter in real life.



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Damn Kal....I understand the metaphor but that is just utterly tasteless. Even if you didn't create it, you posted it which still shows something about your personality.


You could have easily posted *exactly* what you wanted to say instead of slighting a large group of people whom through no fault of their own have been born with a disability.


That's some seriously bad Karma dude.

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Originally posted by crazyplaya73



Ok you need to go back and sniff some more of that glue you apparently are already sniffing.


Originally posted by GooglyMoogly

Damn Kal....I understand the metaphor but that is just utterly tasteless. Even if you didn't create it, you posted it which still shows something about your personality.


You could have easily posted *exactly* what you wanted to say instead of slighting a large group of people whom through no fault of their own have been born with a disability.


That's some seriously bad Karma dude.


As I said, I didn't mean it THAT way. I thought about it, and I mean it really is one of the better showcases. I didn't mean it as a mockery or anything like that. I didn't even had retardation in mind when I posted it. Just the message behind it. If you have problems with it, well that's your problem I guess because that is the way YOU see it. I just don't see it that way.

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Damnit, you people are pathetic. You go around looking for someithng to be offended at so you can show how civil you are. YOU ARE A HUMAN BEING, and that equates to A SMELLY, MARGINALLY INTELLIGENT DISRUPTION OF NATURE, so there is no need to be civil. Wtf is wrong with making fun of retardation (not that KAL is anyway)? Its LIFE, its REALITY. You're not going to implode if you giggle at a fat chick trying to pick up a quarter or at a retard trying to wrap his brain around the word "echolocation". Get real, and lighten up.


EDIT: And besides, the metaphore you discruntled old ladies fail to grasp is that arguing over this, whether you win or not, gets you nowhere. You dont even win a prize like you do in the Special Olymics.

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Eh, well I'm going to be cautious with my wording here, because it's not like I haven't sniped at some forums before...:rolleyes:


but I think the distiction between laughing at a fat person and laughing at a retarded person is that the retarded person can't really defend himself, thanks to his diminished faculties.


Don't get me wrong, I honestly think it's funny, and people shouldn't take it so seriously--but I can understand that particular point of view...

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True, but do you think a retarded person is too concered about your opinion of them? I think they're worried about motor skills more than what you think. I dont know what its like, but thats life. Like the saying goes: Lifes a bitch, then you die.

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Probably not--like I said, I don't really care--people insult other people because of their ethnicity/disabilities/whatever, that's the way it is, and if you truly have an open mind, you'll just laugh.


I think people who tend to criticize that sort of thing are either A) thinking it was meant to hurt or B) afraid that they'll say something that show's they aren't politically correct and that someone will call them on it.


I really only have a problem with these sorts of things if they're thoughtless (like people describing things as gay--just call it bad :(), or designed to hurt (you know the kind).

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Regardless of the whole debate on whether or not it is tasteful to post the response about the disabled people I'm thinking that the first ammendment protects people's right to complain or in this case 'whine.' It doesn't matter if what people say is intelligent and it certainly doesn't matter if we all agree with what or how they chose to say it. All that really matters is that we allow them to say it and don't try to exile or ban them. Other thoughts?

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Just because you can say something, doesn't mean you should. Also, I'm not sure where this site is hosted, people from all around the world seem to post on it, so the first amendment may not apply in the country in which it's hosted.


Also, since this is...well I guess you would call it private property, the people that own it have the right to throw you out if you're disruptive (if you walk into a store and tell the owner that he or she is a piece of S***, they have the right to throw you out--the same applies here).

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i have played jk2 many of times and I try to use all three styles of lightsaber combat. Even though a lot of people have used the strong style to get one hit kills, I have easily found ways around it. So all you complainers, just quit your whining!

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