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Come on people!!!!


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You know it truely staggers the mind, that for all the people on these forums. Its seems to be impossible to get a real intelligent answer, to questions a person might have. Not every single person in the f'''king world has a MIT degree, or builds computers for a living. Some people just want to play a game the same as everyone else, use different chars like everyone else ect. And I for one am very sick and tired of seeing people get insulted, not answered at all, or just plain posting a reply to be as big of an assh''e as can be. Come on people, grow up a little. I haven't been on these forums very long, but I myself have been trying to reply to people with respectful answers, sharing files, and so on. I am not trying to whine or anything, but by the Force, people on here can just plain be rude and thats not what forums were made for. :deathii:

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I admit to flaming others before. I try to help people out now though. I think that's what needs to be improved here. It would be nice if someone would ask a question and receive a legit response instead of being called a n00b or whatever. You're always going to have people be mean to others no matter what. Sure, you can have posts where people debate with each other over opposing viewpoints. that's when the insulting comes in. I understand that, but people take it too far and it begins to get personal. It's dumb. It's also unavoidable, unfortunatly.

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Originally posted by Lime-Light

I would have to dissagree. Most forums are insult abound, and that makes them interesting, you ass.


That's what I'm talking about. Debate this topic if you want, but you're going a little too far with that coment. That's where the insulting comes in and then it just gets all out of control.

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Well here we go, LimeLight thank you for being the first of many people to prove my point. And to retorte, thats reply for your small mind I know you have one. It is only people like yourself that make the forums a hard place to post real questions, or have friendly discussions and debates. It also proves that you can post a message of this sort and people will more than answer good comment or bad. I also agree with what DannJ wrote, I think he's is very right on the money, and it is unforunate that it has to be this way!!! :deathii:

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Again, I agree. But would that help or just inspire these people to be more abusive. I know most of the time when people joke, its usually has a lol,or :),ect. But when being called an ass, not once but twice, thats no damn joke. Thats plain rude, as stated in my previous reply. Now I am a big boy and can take being called an ass, but why do I have to, on a forum designed for a game, my own children or somebodys kids, may be seeking information from. Thats totally unexceptible and unfair to the people who want or need assistance or just want friendly discussion.


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Ya know I gotta agree. A lot less of the old timers post around here because (in my observation) the maturity level around here has really dropped. Don't get me wrong, there are diamonds in the rough, but its really rough out there. :)

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There are only two ways to deal with flamers:


1.) Argue with them, and usually using facts and logic will have a rock solid case against pretty much anyone. Then you'll just get 3 sentince answers about someones mom or something and although you've won the argument it's sort of a hollow victory since 30 posts of debate turns into 60 posts of insults.


2.) Ignore people who make really stupid remarks. This is probably the best of the two since they usually don't post again.

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It can help your debating skills a LOT :)


I mean look at most of my posts... some would call them dreadfully long. But usualy they are so long so I can adress any flamers before they begin. I try to look at my posts (the controversial ones), from all angles.


So love it or hate it... Arguing can be beneficial. however I totaly agree... It gets lame, boring and tiresome sometimes...


you think I LIKe writing seven page posts just to make sure that flamers will either find nothing to flame me about, or will get bored of reading since most flamers have an Iq down around that of an ant.


Heheh but I totaly agree the arguing ok, but the attitudes, and nonesense is very annoying... I am SOO tired of L37T D00ds telling us that 1.03 suxxor.


Heck I am even tired of intelligent people making the same claims. you know what I think this forum needs?


either a stick thread for old topics like 1.03 whining. or another forum for bitching in general.


We have discussed the backstab issue to death and the general concensus even from the spammers is that it sucks... We have discussed force balance since day one.


I don't mind the discussions... but now it's just reopeneing the same old subjects. I don't bother to read these posts anymore because they never have anything new to say. Heheh. though when 1.04 comes out, you bet I'll be reading em. :rolleyes:

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Enslaver22 wrote:


"But when being called an ass, not once but twice, thats no damn joke. Thats plain rude, as stated in my previous reply. Now I am a big boy and can take being called an ass, but why do I have to, on a forum designed for a game, my own children or somebodys kids, may be seeking information from. Thats totally unexceptible and unfair to the people who want or need assistance or just want friendly discussion. "


I agree with you Enslaver22. And I do sympathize with your situation. I understand completely what you are saying... You ass.

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Hey count beefstew is showing us once again the intelligence level of these people. Obvisously, there are alot of people who agree with the fact of what I'm trying to say. And as a retorte, Mr. stew, do you have nothing better to do than post a silly message that just proves me and the others that have posted correct even further. Have you no brain, oops sorry I belive that was allready discussed. But on a lighter note, thanks to all that actually support a forum where one can share info, and just generally have a good time. May the Force be with you!!!:deathii:

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