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computer freezes


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i have this weird problem. after i through the level with dessan and he kills me and stops talking, my computer freezes. it dosent lock up, but nothing happens in the game and none of the keys work except return. it makes a few yellow dots at the top of the screen when i press return but never loads the next level. i watied 10 mintues before restarting and nothing happened. i then unloaded everything from the ctr-alt-del except explorer, then i lauched the game and still the same thing happened. is this another bug in the game? am i not suppose to let dessan kill me or what? im using 98se. beyond return the only keys that got any response was the auto save/laods keys. everything else on the keyboard dosent work. im stuck with this problem. i read that other post about the lady not coming but i got past that with the help of that post and now have this problem. please help.



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I once had a problem much like this. At first I thought it was because of the cheats I was putting in because it took a while for me to remember them right. Well, It was time for me to shut down the computer. I did so in the ordinary way that I always do. I got back on later and every friggin' time I tried to return to the point I left off at it froze at the loading screen. No blue bar or anything. Just a picture. After several tries and severlly cussing out the computer I decided to start a new game. I played Jedi Master lvl (Whoa is that ever tuff!) and I got to the lvl where you have to shoot the AT-ST (I think it's called) Before they and many stormies kill the rescued prisoners. After realizing that there is no way to beat the stupid lvl I decided to go back to the game I left off with. I cursed and threatened the computer while trying to load the game and in about 2 mins I was locked in combat with 6 stormies and my trusty lightsaber slicing through them like butter. I hope I helped.

NOTE: Kicking the computer when it freezes only makes Mom mad and has no real effect on the game. Threatening, however, does seem to work.


-Darth Sadao :darth:

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Greetings Moose,


JK2 is very hard on your "hard drive" it slams it to retrieve the data needed to supply you with a smooth flowing game...


All you need to do is "scan disk" with auto repair selected (not the complete scan that takes for ever) . Once that is done go ahead and "defragment" your hard drive...


That will or should take care of the problem. If you want to really do a deep defrag. and you have at least 128meg of RAM then follow these steps:

1) right click on "my computer"

2) select "Properties"

3) now "performance"

4) next "virtual memory"

5) select "let me specify my virtual memory"

6) now set the both windows to "0" and hit ok let the computer restart, now do your defrag.


Once you have completed your defrag. start a step one and go back through to step "6" now instead of "0" put in 2.5 times the amount of your RAM in both windows. This should also inhance your over all performance!


This may take upto an hour depending on how bad the Hard Drive is fragmented just be patiant and make sure that you have your screen saver shut off before you start to defrag.


~Nomad WR~


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up to an hour, huh, try 18. i defragmented my harddrive last week. i dont think it should be my virtual memory either. i have an old slow computer, but it should not take this long. its not thats its loading, its frozen. my hardrive makes no noise and i dont see the light flashing so i know its not loading. its just flashes a picture and dosent do anything.


my problem is simmilar to what darth sado just described. i am playing on jedi master level with god mode. i got through level with atst and jan has landed. this is way up top in the back area. the other woman has taken jan on the ship and now dessan is asking me to fight him. i turn off god mode and let him beat me, and after i fall back he talks, then it goes to a screen shot, not a loading one, just this grey pic of the ground. it just sits there and does nothing. i hear no harddrive noise and all that happens is nothing. i can f11 and it will take me to load screen, but beyond that button and return nothing happens and no buttons work on the keyboard. like i said earlier, its not a complete lock up, the game just dosent load. i think this is a bug. i know its not a total lock up because i wouldnt be able to press f11 then go to main and exit.


i wish the guy from ravecon would respond because im positive this is a bug.

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Originally posted by mooseboy84

my hardrive makes no noise and i dont see the light flashing so i know its not loading. its just flashes a picture and dosent do anything.


Speaking as someone who has worked on computers as a technician for six years now, that mean nothing. Just because there is no activity lights or you can't hear anything it can still be accessing it.

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i too build computers and know juse because i dont hear it dosent mean that its not loading, but im postive its not loading.i just waited for 20 minutes and still nothing happened. i have an idea. since it wont load the next animation or whatever, i should load the next map. could some one please tell me what the next map name is. the one im on is called artus_topside, so if someone looks in there saved games and tells me the next map directly after that i would appreciate.



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