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im majorly fecked!!!!!!


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We do help each other, but we need to know something more specific than "How do I skin?" There's a great deal involved in skinning, the basic being graphics ability. DO you have any experience with graphics (like Photoshop or Paint Shop Pro)? If you do, then you can probably get into skinning. If not, that's where you should start, with basic graphic skills, find some tutorials on the net. If that's not the issue, then let us know exactly where you're at with skinning so we can help.


Another recommendation is try to post in intelligable language. Childish hacker jargon probably isn't helping people to want to help you.



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thanks for the help anyway, im ok at graphics but like shall i just try basic drawings and other related thing in ADOBE and similar applications??? then what would you suggest, idont understand how so many people have all of a sudden got into skinning with a click of the finger?? thank you anyway hope there are others willing to help too. craig xx

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Most people have been skinning for other games, so when JKII came along, they already knew how to do most of it. Personally, I've only been skinning for a couple weeks, but I've had 7+ years of extensive experience with graphic design, which is why I've been able to pick it up quickly. If you've got Photoshop, I would recommend looking around the net for Photoshop tutorials. Some things to specifically learn are shading, highlighting, texturing. If you can learn to do that stuff well, you can get into skinning.



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thanks for that keep it in mind, could you maybe do me a favour and look also because i tend to mess up when browsing for little things. ill look anyway, thanks for your time and effort friend, good luck in your skinning/moddelling journeys...


P.S : ru into moddelling at all, i like playing around whith light wave and other applications, tis fun,

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